Korean Idioms: Day 07
길을 아는 것과 그 길을 걷는 것은 분명히 다르다. Knowing the road and walking the road are clearly different. Milwaukee Independent has published the inspirational art series “Knezelisms” by Sherrill Weller Knezel each week since 2016. This special “Korean Idioms” collection was produced as a limited artistic companion for the daily editorial series Exploring Korea. © Designed by Lee Matz and SeonJoo So Oh AllIdiom Korean Idioms: Day 12 Korean Idioms: Day 11 Korean Idioms: Day 10 Korean Idioms: Day 09 Korean Idioms: Day 08 Korean Idioms: Day 07 Korean Idioms: Day 06 Korean Idioms: Day 05 Korean Idioms:...
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