“Cream City Music was created to be a destination for guitar and bass players worldwide,” said Brian Douglas, owner and general manager. “We focus on having an exceptional and eclectic collection of used and vintage musical instruments and amplifiers, in addition to having one of the finest selections of curated new product from across all of the iconic brands within our industry.”
Music is a life long conversation that you have with yourself. You do not have it with others. The staff of Cream City Music help the dialogue start, and keep the conversation going. That stewardship is the DNA of the business, that helps guide the music journey for individuals.
These photos were taken of what a guitar shop looks like, by a non-musician with an appreciation for the craft. To paraphrase co-owner John Majdalani, a guitar is a tool, but it is not like a plumber’s screwdriver. Thousands of books have been written about the guitar, but not too many books have been published about screwdrivers.
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Read the article and view the photo essay that were produced as companion features for this news report.