The Historic Garfield Apartments will celebrate its Grand Opening on October 26, closing a chapter on a half year of remodeling as the second phase of development continues at North Avenue and 4th Street.
The public is invited to attend the newest residential apartments in the Bronzeville commercial corridor, with an art house party at 2215 N. 4th Street. The festivities reflect a long intended hope for the rebirth of the Bronzeville Art and Entertainment District, which the housing projects begin to fulfill. Christopher McIntyre Perceptions and Dasha Kelly will give performances at the event, along with a display by America’s Black Holocaust Museum, “Our Past, Present, and Future.”
Envisioned and guided by the Maures Development Group and J. Jeffers & Company, the $17.4 million catalytic project has been transforming a vacant city block into a vibrant campus, since its ground breaking began in April. Opening of the Historic Garfield Apartments concludes Phase I, that converted the old school building into 30 units of high-quality, mixed-income housing. Renters will officially move in on November 1. Phase II continues at the adjoining lot where The Griot is taking shape. That building will feature 41 apartments in the floors above a space that will be used as the new home for America’s Black Holocaust Museum, expected to open in the Spring of 2018.
The Milwaukee Independent was invited to spend a day in August to document construction progress within the Historic Garfield Apartments, and at The Griot. These images are a snapshot of the restoration and construction process, to serve as a record for the future to show the efforts involved to reshape a community one plot of land at a time.