Several hundred adults and children of diverse faiths, cultures, and races participated in the fundraiser on October 9 at McKinley Marina Park along Lake Michigan.
The CROP Hunger Walk is an annual charity walk and food drive for local and international poverty and hunger relief. In its 31st year, the event is made possible through the efforts of the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee and the Hunger Task Force.
“There are hungry children and families who are helped greatly by the CROP Hunger Walk, and I strongly encourage individuals to take part on Sunday or to make a donation to this great cause,” said Alderman Russell Stamper, in his public invitation to local residents before the event.
For 2015, a total of 15,100 pounds of food was collected for the Hunger Task Force, and $31,400 in pledge donations went for hunger programs, disaster relief, and anti-poverty efforts.
Of the donations, 70% go to Church World Service or other designated international agencies. The remainder helps fund the walk itself and local outreach.
Ironically, the 5-mile walk this year took participants past the harbor’s break wall, where two intoxicated men had crashed a 32-foot yacht a couple days before. The sight of the boat resting on top of the stone break wall drew curious attention and snapshots.
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Lee Matz