The MPS Board approved a district-wide uniform policy for the 2017-18 school year, designed to improve student outcomes.
The Milwaukee Board of School Directors has approved a district-wide uniform policy that will be in effect for all schools beginning in the 2017-18 school year. The policy sets basic uniform guidelines for all district schools; for example, pants must be tan, navy blue or black khaki-style pants. School communities have the flexibility to use their school colors for shirts. Proposed 2017-18 school budgets have funding to support the uniform policy.
Schools can opt out of the uniform policy if 66 percent of the school community votes to do so. Individual students may opt out if parents request an exemption in writing.
Two district surveys revealed that the majority of parents support the move to uniforms. Research indicates school uniforms can contribute to a positive school environment, which is an important part of improving student achievement.
The Board also approved several changes to MPS school programs; these changes are designed to increase academic opportunities and better serve students and families. The changes will take place in Fall 2017.
- Clara Barton School – will realign to a kindergarten-5th grade school
- South Division High School – will create a small school-within-a-school to offer additional support to help students graduate
- North Division High School – will create a small school-within-a-school to offer additional support to help students graduate
- James E. Groppi High School, Project STAY and Transition High School – will focus on providing behavioral support for students
Two schools will close at the end of the 2016-17 school year, Community High School and New School for Community Service (NSCS). In place of NSCS, the Board authorized New School for Youth Empowerment as an instrumentality charter school for the 2017-18 school year. The school will serve high school students.