The Coalition of Photographic Arts presents its 10th Annual Juried Exhibition with over 40 photographic works selected by juror Emily Schlemowitz of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center.
Prior to 2016, image submissions were open to photographers nationwide. For this year, the annual exhibition was open only to CoPA members.
“In the past year our members have made huge strides in not only the quality of their work, but their willingness to work outside of their comfort zones and really stretch as artists. We didn’t need outside entries this year. We had an abundance of excellent submissions for our juror to choose from,” said CoPA president Pam Ferderbar.
Schlemowitz chose work that gives the exhibit a cohesive feel, with “a good representation of different categories such as nature, industrial, abstract and portraiture.”
The exhibit opens December 9th at the Pop-Up Gallery in the Pfister Hotel, with a reception from 5:30PM until 8PM, which is open to the public.
In addition, the CoPA Board will award its first ever CoPA Board Award of Excellence to a photographer whose work conveys the essence of the organization’s mandate to improve the work, venture outside a personal comfort zone, and take joy in the process. The recipient of the award will receive a pass to all CoPA workshops in 2017.
CoPA began in 2003 as a fine art photography organization of a handful of dedicated professional photographers who wanted to share their work in the hopes of learning from and encouraging one another.
It soon grew to include well over 100 photographers comprised of pros, serious amateurs, students and beginners. Today the organization has more than 150 members who attend monthly meetings with guest speakers, an extensive workshop series, various exhibits and competitions, portfolio reviews and private tours of photography collections at museums and galleries.
CoPA is a Milwaukee-based fine art photography organization that provides members with the tools resources and experiences to become better photographers.
CoPA 10th Annual Juried Exhibition at the Pfister Pop-Up Gallery
December 9, 2016 to January 1, 2017 10AM to 5PM daily
Opening reception December 9 5:30PM – 8PM
Pfister Hotel, 424 East Wisconsin, Milwaukee WI 53202