Mayor Tom Barrett recently called for community-wide attention to the month-long effort that is raising awareness for sexual assault and supporting survivors.
During April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, jeans will hang from the light poles along Wisconsin Ave from 3rd Street west to The Calling Sculpture by the Milwaukee Art Museum.
The effort is part of Denim Day, an international awareness campaign focused on raising awareness about sexual assault and victim blaming. Milwaukee will mark its seventh annual Denim Day on April 25.
Plans are expanded this year to Denim Week, which includes six days of community events from April 23 to 28.
“Ending sexual violence is a community-wide effort,” Mayor Barrett said. “During Sexual Assault Awareness Month I ask every individual, employer, and organization to fulfill their commitment to ending sexual violence by partaking in a variety of activities through Denim Day Milwaukee.”
Employers are encouraged to allow employees to wear denim, and individuals are asked to pledge their support online at denimdaymke.org and through the Denim Day Milwaukee Facebook page.
There are many ways to get involved in Denim Week to spread this important message:
- Organize Denim Day activities at your business or organization on April 25. Visit denimdaymke.org to register your organization as a participant. You can also access materials and ideas on how to get involved.
- Attend local events. Visit denimdaymke.org for a list of events to mark Denim Week.
Engage on social media. During Denim Week, use the #denimdayMKE and #metooMKE hashtags to share photos, activities, and words of encouragement. - Advance the goals in Milwaukee’s Blueprint for Peace. Visit the City of Milwaukee Health Department Office of Violence Prevention at www.414LIFE.com or www.milwaukee.gov/staysafe.
The Denim Day effort is coordinated by the Office of Mayor Tom Barrett, the City of Milwaukee Health Department, Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County and more than 20 partner organizations.