Sci-Fi Family Day returns to Discovery World on Saturday, October 1, to celebrate the inspiring and imaginative worlds of science fiction.
Originally designed to teach the public about the materials, processes, and techniques used by costumers and builders, Sci-Fi Family Day has grown into Discovery World’s most popular annual event that explores the family-friendly world of science fiction.
Included in the price of general admission, Sci-Fi fans of all types are invited to meet Droids, Ghostbusters, Time Lords, and Superheroes. Explore virtual reality, board games, and LEGO creations. Make sci-fi themed projects in the Kohl’s Design It! Lab. There will be books and authors, art and artists, toys, improv, music, lightsɑber battles, and a whole lot more.
Returning favorites such as the R2 Builders Group, Wisconsin Ghostbusters, Kenosha LEGO Users Group, and Chͼwbɑcca Costumer Bob Kohn will join a plethora of new exhibitors and experiences including a virtual reality demo with Oculus Rift, light saber demos with professional stuntmen from Edge of Orion, and presentations from Stɑr Wɑrs illustrator Dave Dorman and Sci-Fi author Brad Beaulieu.
“Whether this is your first time at Sci-Fi Family Day or you’ve been here every year, there will be something new and exciting to see,” said Discovery World spokesman Paul Fladten. “Since its creation in 2008, Sci-Fi Family Day has grown beyond our wildest imagination into a full day of costumers, live interactive experiences, and some of the most fun you can have on Milwaukee’s lakefront. And this year we’re taking an even deeper dive into the world of science fiction through virtual reality, board games, live action roleplaying, and so much more.”
The event takes place on Saturday, October 1, from 10am-5pm. The schedule can be found on Discovery World’s website.