
Frontline “soldier artists” from Ukraine perform a cultural concert of gratitude for Milwaukee

Wisconsin Ukrainians hosted a special concert for the Milwaukee community on June 15, performed by frontline Ukrainian soldiers as part of the “Music Tour of Gratitude to America,” an...
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FEATURED: Videocast

James Godsil: A Rooftop Perspective

From marching with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to working with ESHAC to save Riverwest in the 1970s, James Godsil has been a mentor to generations in Milwaukee.

Bill Sell: Enduring faith for community activism

Considered a voice of social justice and the community leader who began the renaissance movement for Bay View, Bill Sell has spent his life as an activist and champion of building a better Milwaukee.

Rick Gagliano: On Community Learning

Born and raised in Milwaukee with a nostalgic passion for the city, MSOE’s Rick Gagliano has dedicated his career to using education as a tool to mentor and empower students of all ages.

FEATURED: Audiocast