FEATURED: Videocast
Video: Time lapse of Penfield Mural
“I actually chose the fish just because I found their color and pattern really pleasing. But I had enough people ask me what kind of fish they are that I looked it up and they are emperor angelfish. But the interesting thing about these fish is that the pattern that...
Video: When Milwaukee had courage to march against segregation
“We’re going to get fair housing not only for the city of Milwaukee but we’re going to get it on the national scene. It’s going to be this consistent type of courageous protest that’s going to bring about fair housing legislation. Frederick Douglass...
Video: Mayor Barrett rebukes Trump’s support for White Supremacists
On August 16, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett made a public statement regarding President Trump’s support of Neo-Nazi members and radical White Supremacists involved in the Charlottesville, Virginia act of terrorism on August 12. “Every day, I am impressed and humbled by...
FEATURED: Audiocast
Audio: Diversity is not Equity
Dr. Steve Perry, is an author, educator, and the founder of the Capital Preparatory Magnet School in Hartford, Connecticut. He is a strong advocate of personal and civic responsibility in all aspects of life, and known for his innovation and drive to revolutionize education in America.
Audio: Creativity, Diversity, and Entrepreneurialism
As part of Milwaukee Startup Week, local entrepreneurs, artists, and community leaders were brought together to discuss their craft and how to promote diversity.
Podcast: Black Cat Alley Roundtable
The Black Cat Alley Mural Project officially opened to the public on the final day of Doors Open, featuring murals covering diverse issues in a variety of mediums. The project hopes to engage the East Side community in discussions about social justice issues and to...
The GoGedders Podcast: Mike Drescher
Okanjo & Vibrant Body Company founder, media entrepreneur Mike Drescher joins us on the podcast. We discuss how he got his start, how he scaled and sold his first company, his acting career, new ventures and more.
Time & The Mystery Podcast: Miles Nielsen
Most assume the musician touring lifestyle is a dream, even glamorous at times. What people often don’t realize is the tremendous amount of sacrifice it requires, and even more so if the artist has a family. Miles Nielsen knows this sacrifice all too well, both as a father and as the son of Cheap Trick guitarist Rick Nielsen. Join Mike and Miles as they discus this lifestyle, why they do it, and how to make the most of it.
The GoGedders Podcast: Ken Leinbach
Urban Ecology Center Executive Director, Ken Leinbach, discusses the journey of taking the UEC from a small trailer on Milwaukee’s East Side to an internationally recognized organization with multiple centers.