Author: Thom Hartmann

Manipulating the system: How the White Republican base became easy marks for political predators

While many trace the beginning of the modern rightwing fascist-friendly MAGA-type movement to the 1954 Brown v. Board decision and the way it put the John Birch Society on steroids, another interesting origin story for today’s GOP base is grounded in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In the years immediately leading up to the 1970 creation of the EPA, pollution in America had gotten so bad it was impossible to ignore and was quickly becoming a political issue. Rachel Carson had published Silent Spring in 1962, a book about how DDT was killing birds worldwide, that electrified Americans and...

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Hoarding of wealth: The necessity of America transitioning from a “Me Society” to a “We Society”

There are basically two models for social organization, regardless of all the names. They are “me societies” and “we societies.” Russia, for example, is today a classic example of a “me society.” The nation is run by a small cabal of “me-me-me” oligarchs, who own or control basically every major company and, in most cases, entire industrial, commercial, media, and retail sectors. Each is owned by one or more morbidly rich individuals and their families, who are looking out for their own “me” interests (profits) with little regard for the public good. The country’s leader glorifies the individual above...

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An Unequal Society: Why the richest democracy in the developed world abandons its poor

Every now and then we all get those moments of shocking clarity and insight that give us a new perspective on reality. Mine came over the weekend when I was watching the political shows on cable TV. This one had to do with the stunned realization of how we’ve normalized the damage that corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court have done to our country by legalizing political bribery. An ad came on for a company that buys life insurance policies. The senior citizen in the ad says something to the effect of, “We learned that we could sell our...

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Promoting a Culture War: How Putin used Trump to seize almost total control over the Republican Party

There is little doubt that Russian President Vladimir Putin has succeeded in achieving near-total control over the Republican Party. They are gutting aid to Ukraine (and have been for over a year), working to kneecap our economy, whipping up hatred among Americans against each other, promoting civil war, and openly embracing replacing American democracy with authoritarian autocracy. Putin has declared war on queer people, proclaimed Russia a “Christian nation,” and shut down all the media he called “fake news.” Check, check, check. Most recently, the three-year “Biden bribery” hysteria Republicans in the House have been running — including thousands...

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America’s 47th: What our dystopian future will look like if Putin and the GOP can reinstall Trump to power

If Trump is re-elected, he would be America’s 47th president, so he has named the plans for his second term “Agenda 47.” At best, it is a dystopian nightmare. At worst it means ending our current system of American government, aligning the U.S. with Russia and other autocratic nations, with the U.S. leading the charge against democracy and in favor of authoritarian, strong-man forms of government across the world. Over at his website, Trump lays out the details of his governing agenda, complete with short videos promoting each of the steps he plans to take. They, and his many...

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A Red Caesar: How the GOP’s new political order could end the American experiment in 2024

“Thirty years ago,” Damon Linker said, “if I told you that a bunch of billionaires and intellectuals on the right are waiting in the wings to impose a dictatorship on the United States, you would have said that I was insane.” Now, however, the senior lecturer at Penn State University’s Department of Political Science and author of the Notes from the Middleground Substack newsletter has reconsidered. “But it’s no longer insane,” Linker writes. “It’s now real. There are those people out there.” And, Linker notes, “The question is: will they get their chance.” The simple reality is that they already have...

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