Author: Thom Hartmann

The endless trail of exploitation that began with Reagan’s false promise and led to the chaos of Trump

Donald Trump tells us we are experiencing “American carnage” and the solution is to round up and put into concentration camps 11 million immigrants; imprison prosecutors, judges, Democrats, and reporters he says criticized him; and replace the FBI and our court systems with his own armed cadre that is loyal to him. The Proud Boys are stepping up again, and he is embracing them. Seventy million Americans, and commentators across the massive rightwing media ecosystem, agree with him. How did we get here? The 1970s were a pivotal decade, and not just because it saw the end of the...

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The last time wealthy oligarchs tried to take over the American government it led to a bloody Civil War

“Billionaire investor Ray Dalio warns U.S. is ‘on the brink’ and estimates a more than 1 in 3 chance of civil war.” – Fortune Magazine, May 16, 2024 Billionaires and civil war? A billionaire-funded Supreme Court Justice flew the American flag upside down outside his house after January 6th in apparent support of Donald Trump‘s attempt to overthrow our government. Americans for Tax Fairness reports that 50 billionaire families have, at this early stage, already injected almost a billion dollars into our political system — the overwhelming majority of it going to Republicans and in support of Donald Trump...

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Not a democracy: The new America 2.0 envisioned by Republican’s Project 2025 is a feudalistic oligarchy

Kevin Roberts, who heads the Heritage Foundation and is largely responsible for Project 2025, just implicitly threatened Americans that if we do not allow him and his hard-right movement to complete their transformation of America from a democratic republic into an authoritarian state, there will be blood in the streets. “We’re in the process of taking this country back,” he told a TV audience, adding, “The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning. And so I come full...

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U.S. Supreme Court’s immunity decision would make Trump an Imperial President above the law if re-elected

They did it. The Supreme Court handed a massive victory to Donald Trump in this so-called “immunity” case, and it will probably take a year or more before there is even a chance he will be held to trial for trying to overthrow the 2020 election and, thus, the government of the United States. As feared, the six Republicans on the Court essentially threw Trump’s sedition case back to the lower court (with caveats) where there will be numerous decisions to make — which are all further appealable, resetting the case so Trump can drag things out for another...

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Why Trump gives the Saudi and Putin incentives to sabotage President Biden’s re-election hopes

The bloodthirsty leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia loves his dictatorial soul-mate Donald Trump and is today setting the stage to intervene in November’s election in a big way, much like he did with a smaller test run during the fall of 2022 when he drove US gas prices up above $5, forcing President Biden to release oil from the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve. As Stanley Reed reported for the Business pages of The New York Times recently: “Saudi Arabia, the de facto leader of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, said that it would extend [their one-million-barrels-a-day] cuts in oil...

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Fascination with Fascism: How Project 2025 enables Trump’s vision to dismantle American democracy

Like any fascists throughout modern history, Donald Trump and the RNC are rolling out a program to try to intimidate minorities and Democratic voters so badly they will leave polling places without voting. Hugh Jackson wrote about it for the Nevada Current: “Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee announced a ‘100,000 person strong’ program designed to harass election officials and their employees and discredit democracy in Nevada and a dozen other states. In a statement announcing its Orwellian named ‘election integrity program,’ the RNC said it is ‘establishing a robust network of monitoring, and protection against any violation or fraud.’” Claiming...

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