Author: Thom Hartmann

When secular laws that support human rights for all are unraveled by arbitrary religious beliefs of a few

Democrats are generally disinclined to discuss religion, much less debate it. They like to point out that Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin were famously atheist, Jefferson and dozens of other high-profile people in the Founding generation were deists, and that in two different places the Constitution explicitly rejects religion interfering with government or vice-versa. But it is time to discuss religion whether we like it or not, because it is no longer knocking on our door: Sam Alito just sent it into the house with a no-knock warrant and stun grenades that threaten to catch the place on fire....

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Packing the Court: Long-term legal strategy is fundamental to protecting the rights of women

Politico reported that the Supreme Court has already voted to strike down Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, and possibly even Griswold v Connecticut. The decision is in draft form, but expected to be released this summer. The GOP first set this as a goal in 1981 with the election of Ronald Reagan who, prior to cutting a cynical deal with Jerry Falwell for church help in the 1980 election, had signed the most liberal abortion law in the nation as California governor. Now it appears their 41-year campaign has reached its fruition. This is the first...

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A Fugitive Woman Act: When women in Red States need shelter to escape draconian anti-abortion laws

“Ordinary, said Aunt Lydia, is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary.” — Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale If you are the family of a 12-year-old girl in Texas who has been raped and impregnated, or the husband of a 50-year-old Oklahoma woman who is at higher risk of death from pregnancy after a failure of birth control, your only truly safe option right now is to move to Canada. That is because individual states in the U.S. generally enforce each other’s court...

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Why it is finally time to nationalize America’s fossil fuel industry to end our spiraling energy war

If you want to trigger a Conservative, just suggest nationalizing the U.S. gas and oil industry. “Venezuela!” they’ll scream hysterically, perhaps adding a few, “Iran!” squeals. But, somehow, they always forget to yell about Norway. Within minutes they will be croaking about that time back in 2008 when Maxine Waters — a Black woman with power and therefore the most terrifying thing Republicans can imagine — threatened oil industry CEOs who were giving Congress deliberately deceptive and incomplete answers with “socializing… taking over and the government running all your companies.” Immediately, Fox “News” was all over it, as were...

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The Attack on Disney: A case study for how fascism progresses toward tyranny in America

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has declared war on Disney, while his colleague in Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott, is on a jihad against the parents of trans children. This is how fascism progresses through its later stages toward tyranny. Democracies typically do not turn into fascist oligarchies by being invaded or losing wars. It usually happens from within, and is driven by an alliance between demagogic politicians, corrupt religious leaders, bigoted street brawlers, and some of the wealthiest people in society. First, fascists identify groups of people they believe are both vulnerable and sufficiently powerless that they won’t...

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Loss of Agency: America’s soul struggles to find restoration against demagoguery and racism

The Supreme Court turned our lives over to billionaires and giant corporations, leaving Americans feeling powerless and angry. The GOP stepped in to tell us the real culprits are Democrats, women, and minorities. We must re-take our government and recover our lost sense of agency. Here’s why and how: “Agency” is the ability to control yourself and your own life. “Loss of agency” is the psychological term for people no longer being able to influence the course of their own life or the world around them. The phrase is often used to describe the situation of (usually) women suffering...

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