Author: Thom Hartmann

Why a lack of affordable child care is pushing the American Dream farther from reach for most families

American families with children, and the American Dream they are trying to live, are about to face a serious crisis. Counterintuitively, the pandemic brought a child-care boon to working families with kids. This was in large part due to the extraordinary efforts of Nancy Pelosi in the House and Bernie Sanders in the Senate, who got billions for expanded childcare funds to families in distress. Although these were technically emergency funds, they were similar to normal, routine programs offered by virtually every other developed country in the world. But when the pandemic was declared officially over, Republicans dug their...

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Electoral crimes: How Trump’s indictments reveal a political conspiracy to end American democracy

While it may be satisfying to call Trump and his enablers “fascists,” there is a deeper truth here, with which America must come to terms: the Trump/MAGA faction of the GOP has declared war on democracy itself. Funded by rightwing billionaires who, themselves, view democracy as an inconvenient pain-in-the-ass and, when Democrats talk about them “paying their fair share,” an actual threat, these MAGA Republicans have also joined forces with wealthy international elements dedicated to ending democracy all around the world. They are supported by a media machine itself largely created by rightwing billionaires — Murdoch’s Fox “News,” over...

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Slander campaigns: How Republicans have revived the “Swiftboat” lie strategy for the Biden impeachment

House Republicans have revived the infamous Swiftboat lie strategy that helped defeat John Kerry in 2004. In essence, it involves relentlessly lying about a candidate and smearing his or her name and reputation in the hopes it’ll shave a few points off their popularity with independent voters. While virtually 100 percent of the men who served with Kerry in Vietnam spoke glowingly of his service, a group who did not serve with him made up lies and exaggerations. And the Swiftboat effort was well funded: Clarence Thomas’ sugar daddy Harlan Crow threw big bucks into it in 2004. Kerry and those...

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What Billionaires gain from funding waves of Anti-Trans and Anti-Black History political movements

There’s a popular internet meme going around that says: “Say you’re in a room with 400 people. Thirty-six of them don’t have health insurance. Forty-eight of them live in poverty. Eighty-five are illiterate. Ninety have untreated mental illnesses. And every day, at least one person is shot. But two of them are trans, so you decide ruining their lives is your top priority.” Consider some of the basic realities of life in modern America: Almost 30 million Americans lack health insurance altogether, and 43 percent of Americans are so badly under-insured that any illness or accident costing them more than $1000 in co-pays...

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The 9/11 memory hole: Why future generations must not forget the lies that drove a failed War on Terror

Today is 9/11, the event that first brought America together and then was cynically exploited by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to have a war against Iraq, followed by their illegal invasion of Afghanistan just a bit more than a year earlier. Yet the media today is curiously silent about Bush and Cheney’s lies. Given the costs of both these wars — and the current possibility of our being drawn deeper into conflict in both Ukraine and Taiwan — it is an important moment to discuss our history of wars, both illegal and unnecessary, and those that are...

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A rebuttal to the GOP debate’s trash talk of President Biden’s record of improving America for Americans

The first Republican debate of the 2024 election cycle took place in Milwaukee on August 23. While all the drama seemed focused on whether or not anybody beyond Chris Christie would take a serious swing at Trump, much of the evening’s time was devoted to trashing President Joe Biden. So, for anyone still clinging to their sanity after enduring all the lies, here is a quick summary of the things that Biden has accomplished with a little help from Democrats in Congress in his first two-and-a-half years in office. First of all, Joe Biden has restored trust, confidence, and...

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