Author: TheConversation

Cultures since Antiquity have blamed games for causing their social woes

By Lindsay Grace, Knight Chair of Interactive Media; Associate Professor of Communication, University of Miami Video games are often blamed for unemployment, violence in society and addiction – including by partisan politicians raising moral concerns. Blaming video games for social or moral decline might feel like something new. But fears about the effects of recreational games on society as a whole are centuries old. History shows a cycle of apprehension and acceptance about games that is very like events of modern times. From ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, historians know that the oldest examples of board games trace back to the...

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Protecting students at school has become a growth industry that struggles to fulfill its purpose

By John S. Carlson, Professor of School Psychology, Licensed Psychologist, Health Service Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Michigan State University I have never seen so much federal, state, and local money spent to “harden” school buildings and campuses in my 25 years as a school psychologist and professor of school psychology, The term encompasses a wide array of steps being taken to keep students safe amid increasingly frequent mass shootings. Examples include arming teachers, conducting active-shooter drills and installing surveillance systems. It is a booming business that by 2017 had become an estimated US$2.7 billion industry with about $1.5...

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The history of Columbus Day and why municipalities are adopting Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead

By Malinda Maynor Lowery, Professor of History and Director, Center for the Study of the American South, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Increasingly, Columbus Day is giving people pause. More and more towns and cities across the country are electing to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day as an alternative to, or in addition to, the day intended to honor Columbus’ voyages. Critics of the change see it as just another example of political correctness run amok – another flash point of the culture wars. As a scholar of Native American history – and a member of the Lumbee...

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The issue of climate change is more about health and prosperity than saving the environment

By Ezra Markowitz and Adam Corner Associate Professor of Environmental Decision-Making, University of Massachusetts Amherst; and Research Director at Climate Outreach & Honorary Research Fellow in Psychology, Cardiff University The story of climate change is one that people have struggled to tell convincingly for more than two decades. But it’s not for lack of trying. The problem is emphatically not a lack of facts and figures. The world’s best scientific minds have produced blockbuster report after blockbuster report, setting out in ever more terrifying detail just how much of an impact we humans have had on the Earth since...

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Hundreds of Native American heritage sites under threat from rising water levels

By Jayur Mehta and Tara Skipton; Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Florida State University; and Graduate Student in Archaeology, Florida State University Native North Americans first arrived in Florida approximately 14,550 years ago. Evidence for these stone-tool-wielding, megafauna-hunting peoples can be found at the bottom of numerous limestone freshwater sinkholes in Florida’s Panhandle and along the ancient shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. Specialized archaeologists using scuba gear, remote sensing equipment or submersibles can study underwater sites if they are not deeply buried or destroyed by erosion. This is important because Florida’s archaeological resources face significant threats due to sea...

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School curriculums for today’s economy consider technical education with vocational training

By Anthony P. Carnevale, Research professor and director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce; Andrew R. Hanson, Senior Research Analyst at the Center on Education and the Workforce; and Megan Fasules, Research Economist – Georgetown University Unlike old-fashioned vocational education, high school-level Career and technical education (CTE) does not really prepare people for jobs directly after high school. While the stated end goal of K-12 education in America is for students to be “college and career ready,” the reality is the existence of career-ready high school graduates is a myth. The expectation that high school...

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