Author: TheConversation

How the gospel and a heritage of black ministry influenced MLK’s language for social justice

By Kenyatta R. Gilbert, Professor of Homiletics, Howard University The name Martin Luther King Jr. is iconic in the United States. President Barack Obama mentioned King in both his Democratic National Convention nomination acceptance and victory speeches in 2008, when he said, “[King] brought Americans from every corner of this land to stand together on a Mall in Washington, before Lincoln’s Memorial…to speak of his dream.” Indeed, much of King’s legacy lives on in such arresting oral performances. They made him a global figure. King’s preaching used the power of language to interpret the gospel in the context of...

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The 15th Amendment’s 150th: A conflated perception of black history since Reconstruction

By Tiffany Mitchell Patterson, Assistant Professor of Secondary Social Studies, West Virginia University I will never forget a student’s response when I asked during a middle school social studies class what they knew about black history: “Martin Luther King freed the slaves.” Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929, more than six decades after the time of enslavement. To me, this comment underscored how closely Americans associate black history with slavery. While shocked, I knew this mistaken belief reflected the lack of time, depth and breadth schools devote to black history. Most students get limited information and context...

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When America went Dry: Forgotten political and social lessons on the 100th anniversary of Prohibition

By Jay L. Zagorsky, Senior Lecturer, Questrom School of Business, Boston University On January 17, 1920, one hundred years ago, America officially went dry. Prohibition, embodied in the U.S Constitution’s 18th amendment, banned the sale, manufacture and transportation of alcohol. Yet it remained legal to drink, and alcohol was widely available throughout Prohibition, which ended in 1933. I am reminded of how easy it was to drink during Prohibition every time I go to the hotel in New Hampshire that hosted the Bretton Woods Conference, which created the modern international monetary system after World War II. The hotel, now...

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The constitutional right to an equal education is long overdue

By Derek W. Black, Professor of Law, University of South Carolina Public school funding has shrunk over the past decade. School discipline rates reached historic highs. Large achievement gaps persist. And the overall performance of our nation’s students falls well below our international peers. These bleak numbers beg the question: Don’t students have a constitutional right to something better? Many Americans assume that federal law protects the right to education. All 50 state constitutions provide for education. The same is true in 170 other countries. Yet, the word “education” does not appear in the United States Constitution, and federal...

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War Games: What it means to threaten a diverse cultural and architectural heritage

By Kishwar Rizvi, Professor in the History of Art Islamic Art and Architecture, Yale University President Donald Trump warned the Islamic Republic of Iran in a tweet on January 4 that the U.S. would target Iranian cultural sites, if provoked. His threat followed the United States’ killing of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, head of the Quds Force, the foreign branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, which set off fears of retaliation. The Iranian government vowed to avenge his death, followed by missile strikes on U.S. bases in Iraq on Jan. 7. Trump’s angry tweet, which was immediately condemned...

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Visions of 2030: What our country will look like a decade from now

By Dudley L. Poston, Jr., Professor of Sociology, Texas A&M University The U.S. has just entered the new decade of the 2020s. What does our country look like today, and what will it look like 10 years from now, on Jan. 1, 2030? Which demographic groups in the U.S. will grow the most, and which groups will not grow as much, or maybe even decline in the next 10 years? I am a demographer and I have examined population data from the U.S. Census Bureau and from the Population Division of the United Nations. Projections show that whites will...

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