Author: TheConversation

Protecting the Democracy: How to ensure safe elections amid the coronavirus pandemic

By Steven Mulroy, Law Professor in Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Election Law, University of Memphis At least seven states have postponed their presidential primaries in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, as Wisconsin moves forward with its April 7 election. That has raised concerns about the other states that have state elections and federal primary elections planned for later this summer, and of course the general election in November. The main concern, in terms of the pandemic, is that elections cause people to congregate at the polling places on Election Day. If it’s not safe to be within six...

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Horserace Coverage: Too many election polls have a negative effect on journalism and voters

By Michael Traugott, Research Professor at the Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan Polls have become an essential part of the news, particularly in the run-up to an election. Reports on polls feed into what’s often called “horserace coverage” – who is ahead or behind, whether the candidates’ relative standing has changed since the last poll, and what their chances are of winning on election day. What the reporting on polls doesn’t reveal is anything substantive about a candidate’s position. The emphasis on horserace coverage means that, in the short term, there is a lost opportunity to keep...

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Obligations to each other: The pursuit of happiness is tied to the collective good

By Christopher Beem, Managing Director of the McCourtney Institute of Democracy, Co-host of Democracy Works Podcast, Pennsylvania State University At its core, the United States Declaration of Independence argues that all human beings have “unalienable rights.” These include right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These rights apply to all human beings, and cannot be given away. What is more, the Declaration says that “to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” In other words, the primary objective of government is to afford citizens the opportunity to exercise these rights; the right to be left alone...

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Coronavirus and the Rule of Law: Courts struggle to preserve justice amid catastrophic conditions

By Austin Sarat, Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science, Amherst College The coronavirus outbreak is affecting broad swaths of American life, including all levels of government. On March 16 the U.S. Supreme Court took the unusual step of indefinitely postponing oral arguments scheduled for at least the next two weeks. The court held oral arguments in 2012, when Hurricane Sandy had closed the rest of official Washington. It often continues to do business when other government agencies shut down due to snowstorms. In this latest move, the court’s statement said the justices were taking this action “in keeping with...

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Health Care in Distress: Long wait times for emergency rooms keeps people sick and drives up costs

By Lindsey Woodworth, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of South Carolina Wait times in emergency rooms are so out of control that researchers recently tested whether aromatherapy would make waiting in the ER more tolerable. It didn’t. Over a decade ago, the Institute of Medicine offered an ominous warning: “Underneath the surface, a national crisis in emergency care has been brewing and is now beginning to come into full view.” Now the view is quite clear. ERs are packed, and wait times are growing longer each year. In fact, even if you’re having a heart attack, you may have...

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Heroes of Hope: How to find healing and happiness when life is surrounded by havoc

By Everett Worthington, Emeritus Commonwealth Professor of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University Hope can erode when we perceive threats to our way of life, and these days, plenty are out there. As we age, we may struggle with a tragic loss or chronic disease. As we watch the news, we see our political system polarized, hopelessly locked in chaos. The coronavirus spreads wider daily; U.S. markets signaled a lack of hope with a Dow Jones free fall. Losing hope sometimes leads to suicide. When there is no hope – when people cannot picture a desired end to their struggles –...

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