Author: Staff

“Moment at the Museum” video series provides online tour of historic exhibit for Milwaukee public

The Milwaukee County Historical Society has been no exception to the list of statewide closures due to the efforts aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, but MCHS saw it as an opportunity expand into digital tourism. Where many institutions might see challenges in presenting their content in a digital format, MCHS looked for a way to bring their 2020 feature exhibit, “Revealed: Milwaukee’s Unseen Treasures,” to a sheltered public. That creative spark allowed for the development of short videos that would expand on the artifacts presented in the exhibit. “We thought it would be a shame if all...

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Sofa Cinema: Milwaukee Film launches virtual movie portal for home theaters

Milwaukee Film is opening up a new channel to bring people together in film, even while the Oriental Theatre remains closed to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Called Sofa Cinema, the local nonprofit launched its first virtual film portal on April 2 with support of Associated Bank. Through the Sofa Cinema page on Milwaukee Film’s website, film fans are able to access new independent film titles, with a portion of the rental proceeds supporting Milwaukee Film. “Closing our cinema doesn’t mean closing off access to inspiring, intriguing and entertaining films,” said Jonathan Jackson, CEO and Artistic Director for...

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Milwaukee Rep brings its creative performances and activities “From Our Home to Your Home”

While the stages remain dark during the COVID-19 global pandemic, Milwaukee Rep is rallying its creative resources to bring the world-class theater audiences have come to know and love directly into homes. In addition to the HD streaming of “Eclipsed” available through April 12, Milwaukee Rep has devised several ways to not only serve its audience. Over the next few weeks, Milwaukee Rep will bring theater from “Our Home to Your Home” in several unique ways. Even during the pandemic, Milwaukee thrive as a cultural community of artists. Ten of Milwaukee Rep’s most beloved artists, including Nova Y. Payton...

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Citizen solders and airmen from Wisconsin National Guard assist with state’s COVID-19 response

Local Citizen Solders and Airmen from the Wisconsin National Guard serving on state active duty have been deployed to support the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since Governor Tony Evers declared a public health emergency March 12, the Wisconsin National Guard has utilized 350 members to complete a number of missions that brought aid and assistance to the state and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. “Serving our state and fellow citizens during times of emergency is one of our core missions in the Wisconsin National Guard,” said Major General Paul Knapp, Wisconsin’s adjutant general. “We’re neighbors helping...

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Milwaukee leaders explore using Wisconsin State Fair grounds as overflow facility for COVID-19 patients

The Milwaukee County Unified Emergency Operations Center (UEOC) and local partners are planning ahead to prepare for the predicted surge in COVID-19 patients in the State of Wisconsin. An Alternative Care Facility, to be constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will provide additional hospital beds for low-acuity COVID-19 patients so local healthcare systems can dedicate their facilities to the most acute cases. “Preparing for an escalation of COVID-19 cases is critical as we take every possible measure to minimize the impact on our community,” said Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele. “We make this urgent request of our...

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Milwaukee COVID-19 survivor shares personal medical experience via social media to educate others

On April 2, a young Milwaukee resident shared the harrowing details of getting sick with the coronavirus and the long road to recovery on Facebook, fulfilling her pulmonary doctor’s earnest request to “please tell people what happened to you.” Danielle Nelson, a development professional who raises funds for educational institutions, posted a photo of herself from when she was still receiving oxygen in the hospital. She did not mention her age, but talked about how unexpected and serious the pneumonia-like illness was as a young and physically fit individual. The personal testimony by Nelson came as clusters of COVID-19...

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