Author: Staff

How Hope Topples Hate: Courage and resilience during dangerous and uncertain times

I’m tired. Tired of the uncertainty, pain and suffering witnessed each and every day in America. Tired of seeing fear in a child’s eyes when torn from their parent’s arms. Tired of the pandemic-empty streets with people huddled inside for their own safety. Tired of hearing words of hate spewed across the airwaves, toward immigrants, people of color and those standing for peace. And I’m tired of the lies and deceit that have killed hundreds of thousands and turned America from a country of potential, into one of disdain and pity. I’m sad. Sad from seeing grandfathers, mothers and...

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Night Lights: Hoan Bridge officially begins illumination along the lakefront every evening

​After a three-month installation period, the first phase of the Light the Hoan project concluded with the official lighting of the west side of the bridge on ​October 22. Residents of Milwaukee and visitors can now enjoy the bright lighting nightly. During the official launch ceremony, Light the Hoan, Code the Hoan, and 88Nine Radio hosted a public celebration, featuring the broadcast of a music-driven light show. The event demonstrated the unique capability of the bridge lights. Many images appeared on social media in September along the Milwaukee skyline, as the Hoan Bridge lighting tests were conducted. After that...

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Stop-and-Frisk Continues: Reports says Milwaukee Police have not complied with lawsuit settlement

The Milwaukee Police Department continues to stop and frisk people in a racially discriminatory manner, and is still not compliant with key requirements of its 2018 Settlement Agreement, according to the latest annual report released on September 22 from the Crime and Justice Institute, the consultant overseeing the settlement of the Collins v. City of Milwaukee case. As part of the settlement, the MPD agreed to end the practice of racially-biased stop-and-frisk. The MPD, as well as the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission and the City, also agreed to a series of other reforms. The settlement came after a...

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Community stakeholders hold voting rallies to “Light Up” Milwaukee and cause “Good Trouble”

Baptist Ministers, Buddhist priests, Mexican immigrants, leaders from the Hmong, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu communities, as well as unions and youth groups, came together on October 19 to light up Milwaukee and mobilize city residents for early voting. The candlelight rally included speakers from diverse partners, united in the commitment to bring every eligible voter to the polls. The event followed strict COVID-19 prevention protocols, providing masks and markers for social distancing. “This election is a matter of life and death to all of our people. Early voting is a safe and secure way to make sure our voices...

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Wisconsin offers more financial support to stabilize businesses and families affected by COVID-19

Governor Tony Evers announced two major investment programs on October 6 to aid the state’s recovery from the pandemic, a $47 million investment to support for child care, healthcare navigators, and energy and rental assistance to Wisconsinites, and a $100 million investment plan aimed at providing additional economic stabilization for small businesses and communities hardest hit by COVID-19. The efforts will be funded in part through the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF). The new infusion of funds includes an additional $50 million for “We’re All In Grants,” an economic development...

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Miller Park site to take over as centralized hub for COVID-19 testing in Milwaukee

The City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and the Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) announced on October 6 the transition toward a centralized community COVID-19 testing site as the deployment of Wisconsin National Guard troops to assist with testing winds down. As the National Guard begins its planned drawdown of COVID-19 testing personnel in Milwaukee, a consolidated, centralized community testing location will begin offering COVID-19 viral testing at Miller Park beginning October 19. The current National Guard testing facilities will conclude testing on October 17. The central community testing site at Miller Park will be staffed...

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