Author: Staff

Milwaukee County leaders sign 2021 budget with emphasis on racial equality and improving health

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley and County Board Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson held a press conference in front of the County Courthouse on November 12 to officially sign the County’s 2021 budget. The County Board of Supervisors voted to pass the budget on November 9 in a 14-4 vote, and set into action a strategic plan to implement a vision to achieve racial equity. The amendments were included in order to help make Milwaukee become the healthiest county in Wisconsin. The 2021 budget passed by the County Board continues investments in children, families, public safety, parks, public transportation, neighborhood services...

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Financial program launches to help Milwaukee residents with pandemic-related economic challenges

Mayor Tom Barrett announced the launch on October 28 of the Financial Navigators Program, a free service to help residents navigate critical financial issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Milwaukee will offer this service in partnership with Riverworks Development Corporation, a local nonprofit that offers financial coaching to help Milwaukee residents reach their full financial potential. “With COVID-19’s many challenges, it is more important than ever that Milwaukee families have the support they need to navigate resources that build and maintain financial stability,” said Mayor Barrett. “We are confident that this partnership with Riverworks Development Corporation,...

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Lakefront icon in jeopardy: S/V Denis Sullivan’s sailing days could be over without maintenance

The COVID-19 outbreak shut down the Sailing Vessel Denis Sullivan just weeks before its 20th season was scheduled to begin. With its programming halted, and lacking minimal funds for its maintenance, the sailing days of Wisconsin’s flagship and Great Lakes floating classroom could be over. As Discovery World, the scientific museum that operates the vessel, made cutbacks over 2020, many employees were furloughed. But the financial pressure has continued to mount as the pandemic stretches on and cases of infections continue to skyrocket. As a result, the last two remaining crew to maintain the special freshwater ship – her...

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Governor Tony Evers asks Wisconsin residents to stay home and work together to stop spread of COVID-19

Governor Tony Evers delivered a primetime address on November 10, calling for unity and working together in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The governor’s address came as Wisconsin had yet another record-breaking day in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Wisconsin reported more than 7,000 new cases, 66 lives lost, and 291 people hospitalized due to COVID-19 on November 10. During his address, Governor Evers pointed to projections from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. The IHME’s projections indicates that based on current data, approximately 5,000 Wisconsinites could die from COVID-19 by January 1, 2021, if...

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State Republicans attempt to smear Wisconsin’s fair election by amplifying unfounded claims on results

In the week after the presidential election, misinformation has circulated on social media and political websites raising unfounded rumors about the integrity of Wisconsin’s election results. “Wisconsin’s election was conducted according to law and in the open,” said Meagan Wolfe, Wisconsin’s chief election official. “While the results are still unofficial and are currently being triple checked as part of the canvass and certification process, we have not seen any credible information to cast any doubt on those unofficial results.” Wolfe further stated, “When issues are reported to our office, we take them very seriously. We look into each allegation...

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COVID COVID COVID and the humiliating failure of America’s latest metaphoric war

“The Fake News Media is riding COVID, COVID, COVID, all the way to the Election. We are rounding the turn.” – Donald J. Trump “More than 225,000 people in this country are dead. More than 100,000 small businesses have closed. Half a million jobs are gone in Florida alone, think about that. And what’s his closing argument? That people are too focused on COVID … He’s jealous of COVID’s media coverage.” – Barack Obama The “War on Crime” and the “War on Terror” both used the nostalgic World War 2 mentality of fighting a righteous conflict as a metaphor...

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