Author: Staff

Funding of memorial bench at Red Arrow Park for Dontre Hamilton gets Milwaukee County approval

The County Board of Supervisors adopted [17-1] on May 20, a proposal by Supervisor Sequanna Taylor allocating $3,000 to fund a memorial bench and plaque in Red Arrow Park to honor the life of Dontre Hamilton and lift up the importance of mental health care. Dontre Hamilton was killed by a Milwaukee police officer on April 30, 2014, when that officer confronted Dontre, who had been sleeping in Red Arrow Park, and provoked an altercation that led to the officer unjustifiably shooting and killing Dontre. “The Dontre Hamilton Memorial bench will provide a space of healing for families who...

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Governor Tony Evers calls Special Session to expand BadgerCare and invest in State’s economic recovery

Governor Tony Evers announced on May 19 that he was calling a special session to expand BadgerCare, and invest the $1 billion in cost savings realized under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into Wisconsin’s economic recovery. With more than 50 projects and economic development initiatives across the state in need of funding dispersement, the governor signed Executive Order #116 calling a special session of the Wisconsin State Legislature to take up LRB-3568 on May 25 at noon. The ARPA provides an additional, temporary fiscal incentive for states to adopt a provision to expand Medicaid. Under the ARPA, Wisconsin...

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“Moving Milwaukee Forward” Health Order to expire on June 1 because COVID-19 vaccinations are working

In light of the Center for Disease Control’s announcement on May 13 that vaccinated individuals can safely resume activities without a mask, the Milwaukee Health Department has made the decision to let the Moving Milwaukee Forward Health Order expire on June 1. The order’s expiration will also end the requirements of the existing Milwaukee mask ordinance. The loosening of restrictions puts an added emphasis on vaccinations. “Our goal when making decisions throughout this entire pandemic has always been to do the most good for the most people and protect our vulnerable population,” said Commissioner Kirsten Johnson. “We’ve listened to...

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Bublr Bikes gives the public a first look at new E-Bike program for the Greater Milwaukee area

Greater Milwaukee’s bike share program unveiled its new e-bike (electric-assist) program on May 19 at Indeed Brewery. Nearly 200 of the e-bikes will be integrated into the Bublr Bikes network later this season. The City of Milwaukee and Bublr Bikes hope to improve public access to bike sharing by expanding into neighborhoods, increase ridership through strategic station placement, and reduce trips made by single-occupancy vehicles. “The introduction of e-bikes is going to expand the transit opportunities for the greater Milwaukee community, helping people of various abilities go further, faster, with less effort. We are so excited to preview this...

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Milwaukee expands travel options with dockless scooter program and extra Bublr Bike stations

The City of Milwaukee plans to expand modes of travel for residents throughout the city with both a 2021 dockless scooter pilot study and an expansion of the Bublr bike share program. The Department of Public Works (DPW) has selected three scooter companies – Bird, Lime and Spin – for participation in the dockless scooter pilot study that will run from June 1 to November 15. In total six operators applied to participate in the pilot with Helbiz, Veo, and Superpedestrian not selected for the pilot that only allows up to three operators. The maximum speed limit for dockless...

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Burlington School District misses deadline to offer plan for solving its “Racially Hostile Environment”

Just weeks after the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) issued its ruling against the Burlington Area School District (BASD) for their failure to redress their “hostile racial environment,” the Burlington Coalition for Dismantling Racism (BCDR) has received additional reports of the District mishandling acts of racism in its schools. The Burlington Coalition recently received complaints from multiple people alleging that students of color were the targets of severe and pervasive use of racial slurs, harassment, and hate speech. According to evidence provided, students were called the N-word multiple times, and told many other racially offensive things in attempts to...

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