Author: Staff

Local veterans welcome much needed holiday drive donations during special holiday luncheon

The City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County’s 12th Annual Holiday Drive concluded on December 16, with the delivery of donations to veterans at the Center for Veterans Issues: VETS Place Central. Beginning with a performance by the Pius XI Catholic High School choir, the highlight of the event was a holiday meal catered by the Troop Café. The lunch was provided by the Brewer’s Community Foundation and served over 70 veterans. To help spread holiday cheer, staff elves passed out holiday cards and decorations created by the boys and girls at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee, as...

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Nobody Is Above The Law: Impeachment rally mobilizes at Senator Ron Johnson’s office before historic vote

Several hundred Milwaukee residents joined with hundreds of thousands of people across the country, participating in more than 600 rallies on December 17 to support the impeaching of President Donald Trump on the eve of the expected vote in the House of Representatives. The nationwide “Nobody Is Above the Law” rallies were intended to put a face on the majority of Americans that support impeachment and removal of President Trump for his crimes against the nation, and Milwaukee voters wanted their involvement to present local voices. “If you don’t believe that the president should act against his oath and...

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FPC Committee votes for MPD policy change requiring judicial warrant for ICE cooperation

Immigrants in Milwaukee won a huge victory on December 12, when the Fire and Police Commission (FPC) Policy Committee voted to endorse Voces de la Frontera’s recommended changes to the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) Policy of Immigration (SOP 130). If approved by the full FPC on December 18, the new policy would require police to have a judicial warrant signed by a judge in order to help Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrest people for possible deportation. “Having a clear policy that requires a judicial warrant in order for the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) to cooperate with Immigration...

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A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out: 100 years of Milwaukee’s Goodwill began in the basement of Summerfield

October 6, 1919 marked the centennial anniversary of Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, which originally incorporated as The Milwaukee Goodwill with its headquarters located at the Summerfield Methodist Church on the corner of Cass Street and Juneau Avenue. The story of the organization’s formation reflected many efforts of that day, where Goodwills and other charitable institutions across the country were created in the basements of places of worship. Goodwill, America’s Original Thrift, was founded in 1902 by Rev. Edgar J. Helms, a Methodist minister and early social innovator. Helms collected used household goods and clothing in wealthier areas of...

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Express Yourself Milwaukee to end 19 years of youth services with daylong Farewell Celebration

Express Yourself Milwaukee (EXYOMKE) will present a daylong Farewell Celebration to be held on December 13, bringing an end to two decades of community service that inspired youth with the arts. The Farewell Celebration will be held throughout Milwaukee and will conclude with a Finale Show and Celebration at the EXYOMKE studio at 1300 W. Fond du Lac Avenue. The nonprofit organization has served low-income and at-risk youth in Milwaukee’s central city since 2003. The Express Yourself Milwaukee Board of Directors made the difficult decision to cease their operations at the end of 2019, due to a lack of...

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Adjutant General resigns in wake of inquiry into sexual misconduct by Wisconsin National Guard

The leader of the Wisconsin National Guard offered his resignation on December 9, after the results were made public from an in-depth federal investigation into how the guard handled sexual assault and harassment allegations. Governor Tony Evers called for and received the resignation of Major General Don Dunbar, after reviewing the report on how the Wisconsin National Guard botched the handling of assault and harassment allegations. Major General Dunbar had commanded the Wisconsin National Guard as Adjutant General since September 1, 2007. His resignation, which will be effective on December 31, was part of Governor Evers sweeping reforms in...

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