Author: Reggie Jackson

We are afraid to talk about Racism and the Cognitive Dissonance is nationwide

We are currently living in a time that offers proof that the era some called Post-Racial America is an absolute myth. After the election of a bi-racial Barak Obama, many shouted that his election proved that we as a nation had finally transcended race. This was supposedly evidence that we had reached the place where Dr. King’s dream had been realized. How quickly things have changed. The racial divisions are as deep as they have been in a long time. Divisiveness along racial lines was the catalyst that propelled Donald Trump into the White House. His continual efforts to...

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Heritage? Are We Talking About Heritage?

“Because that’s total disrespect of our heritage. That’s total disrespect of everything we stand for.” – Donald Trump, 45th U.S. President After these words were spoken by the current U.S. president, the crowd at a Republican campaign rally in Huntsville, Alabama burst into cheers and began to chant USA! USA! USA! He was speaking about NFL players refusal to stand for the national anthem, following the example set by the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kapernick last season. He continued by saying, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to...

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The myth of white privilege clouds reality of white entitlement

“Things were getting out of hand in the skirmishes between the alt-right and what I would describe as the outside agitators who wanted to encourage violence.” – David J. Toscano, Virginia House of Delegates Democratic Leader Let’s stop calling it white privilege and call it what it really is, white entitlement. I’ve grown tired of people going on and on about so-called white privilege. The dictionary definition of privilege states that it is “a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most.” What many call white privilege is not some kind of right...

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The meaning of Independence Day for Milwaukee’s people of color

Two hundred and forty-one years ago, a select group of leaders in the British North American colonies decided to break ranks and form their own independent nation. It was bold, unexpected and not well received in England. On July 4th the nation will celebrate this monumental occasion as the birthday of the United States of America. One hundred fifty-two years ago on a hot summer day, word of the Emancipation Proclamation made it to Galveston, Texas. June 19th of 1865 was two and a half years after Lincoln’s broad proclamation freeing the enslaved population in America. The city of...

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A question of violence over Milwaukee’s Memorial Day

Christopher M. Perceptions When I was a young boy, I was fascinated by the military. I knew the location of every U.S. Marine base in the country by fourth grade. I had hundreds of little green Army men, tanks, trucks, artillery, and such. I spent hours setting up battles in the house as well as outside in the back yard. I carried the soldiers with me when I travelled to Chicago to visit relatives. Until very recently I had not thought much about where these feelings of love for war machines and soldiers came from. This past Memorial Day...

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The American style of truth and reconciliation

One of the issues that has divided our nation and made it very difficult to discuss race relations has been an ugly history of racial violence against African Americans. These overt, blatant acts of violence were widespread throughout the country. They included mob beatings, lynchings, and the destruction of black communities. On February 25, Milwaukee-based America’s Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM) will host its annual Founder’s Day event at Centennial Hall. The program is titled Lets Face It: How Communities Remember and Repair Racial Trauma. The institution, founded by lynching survivor Dr. James Cameron, is both a history museum and...

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