A new interfaith peace pole was dedicated on June 20 at the grounds of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, by leaders of many faiths who proclaimed their united dedication to work for peace in the community.
The public event was hosted by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The pole presented in dozen languages the shared desire among local leaders for peace, not just in Milwaukee but the entire world.
السلام للعالم أجمع • 我们祝愿世界人类的和平 • May Peace Prevail On Earth • Puisse la Paix régner dans le Monde • Möge Friede auf Erden sein • Εύχομαι να Επικρατήσει η Ειρήνη στον Κόσμο • 世界人類が平和でありますように • 세계인류의 평화가 이룩되도록 • Niech będzie pokój na Ziemi • Que la Paz Prevalezca En La Tierra • Kom kev thaj yeeb mauj rau ntiaj teb no • Хай буде мир людству у всьому світі
Representatives from a variety of faith communities spoke at the event with words of prayer and healing, and offered a symbolic act of commitment by shoveling soil on the base of the new installation. They were also joined by civic leaders, Mayor of St. Francis Ken Tutaj and Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson.
The first peace pole was planted in 1976 in Japan by Masahisa Goi, who had been impacted by the destruction of World War II. The devastation of the atomic bombs that America dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki motivated him to spread the message “may peace prevail on Earth.”
The proclamation inspired others and evolved to include the phrase written in various languages on the poles, to emphasize the unity between different people needed for peace to prevail.
While the peace pole project has not been religious movement, it has been embraced by people of faith. Many nations continue to set a bad example as members of a global community by using war and military power to solve their problems, like the unprovoked and brutal invasion by Russia of Ukraine.
All too often, individual behavior mirrors those national actions and perpetuate and atmosphere of violence. That history of damage has deeply affected America as a nation, all the way down to Milwaukee’s local neighborhoods.
Located at 3501 S. Lake Drive, the small monument proclaims a simple message of shared peace. It stands as a reminder of the value of peace, and as an inspiration for guiding others to reach that goal of peace.
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Lee Matz