“I actually chose the fish just because I found their color and pattern really pleasing. But I had enough people ask me what kind of fish they are that I looked it up and they are emperor angelfish. But the interesting thing about these fish is that the pattern that I’m drawing is the Emperor Angelfish as an infant. This is a juvenile Emperor Angelfish. When they are fully grown fish they look differently. This is on the Penfield Children’s Center, which is a center for early childhood, so I think that’s a really nice coincidence.” – Stacey Williams-Ng
This video is a compilation of time lapse footage that Stacey Williams-Ng recorded of her mural production for 88Nine Radio Milwaukee’s community project. The progress was captured over a two-week period at the Penfield Children’s Center on North 26th Street. Williams-Ng commented that the Three Dog Night song “Joy to the World” was often on her mind while painting, with the lyrics “Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea,” as a reflection of the mural’s imagery and the radio station’s mission. The mural was officially presented to the public on September 14.