Mayor Tom Barrett welcomed Democrats to the 2020 Democratic National Convention in-person, but also in isolation. It was a condition that neither he nor anyone could have predicted when Milwaukee was awarded the honor of host city. That was before the pandemic hit, and the criminal mismanagement by the Trump administration contributed to the loss of almost 200,00 Americans.
The convention broadcast a national program for 2 hours each night, from August 17 to 20. It amounted to a 8 hours, which covered the nomination process, the Democratic platform for 2020, and stories of support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
The all-digital format of the virtual convention meant that video essays about Milwaukee would not be produced in volume like other host cities. It also drastically reduced the optics that would even indirectly acknowledge Milwaukee.
Of the 8 hours of prime time content, video broadcast from Milwaukee totaled at just 15 minutes. About 10 of those minutes were actually of elected officials from Wisconsin. The speakers consisted of Gwen Moore, U.S. Congresswoman from Wisconsin; Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee; Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee Chair; Mandela Barnes, Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin; Tony Evers, Governor of Wisconsin; and Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin.
This video segment compiled all that locally broadcast footage from the 4 nights into one highlight reel, all speaking to the pride of Milwaukee, the hope of Wisconsin, and the dream of restoring the nation under President Biden.