A Waukesha sheriff’s deputy pulled over a 27ft Wienermobile and grilled the driver for failing to obey traffic laws on January 28.
The Waukesha sheriff’s office tweeted the image of a deputy’s SUV parked behind a giant, roving hotdog with the hashtags #MoveOver #SlowDown #Wienermobile, a reference to state law that requires all vehicles, including mobile frankfurters, to change lanes or slow down when emergency vehicles are on the side of the road.
“Every Hotdogger who gets behind our 27ft 🌭 on wheels goes through extensive road training, but from time to time our buns get in the way. The safety of everyone on the Hot dog highways is of the utmost importance to us & we’re working to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” – Oscar Mayer
The driver of the wiener wagon, a promotional vehicle for the celebrated Wisconsin-based hotdog brand Oscar Mayer, escaped with a warning, but not before triggering a cascade of puns. Even Oscar Mayer and the Nebraska state patrol relished the action.
“Glad those law dogs were able to ketchup. To be frank, the #MoveOver law keeps traffic furter away from officers and prevents wurst situations.” – Nebraska State Patrol
Colorado state patrol seized the moment to remind drivers that hotdogging on the road and ignoring traffic laws doesn’t cut the mustard.
“Frankly, we relish the opportunity to ketchup on the law that not moving over, doesn’t cut the mustard. No matter what you’re driving: when you see the flashing lights, #MoveOver.” – CSP Public Affairs
This is not the first time the sausage cruiser landed in hot water. In 2007, Arizona police pulled over a Wienermobile with Wisconsin license plate reading “YUMMY” on suspicion that the vehicle was stolen. A call to Wisconsin police revealed a simple mistake behind the confusion and the roadster was cleared of all charges.
The first Wienermobile was created in 1936 and it has gone through several iterations since then. Today’s wiener stands 11ft tall and 27ft long and has a horn that’s reported to play the company’s Wiener Jingle in 27 different genres. Every year roughly 2,000 college seniors apply to spend the summer zig-zagging the country behind the wheel of the Wienermobile.
Mаrіо Kоrаn
Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department
Originally published on The Guardian as World’s wurst driver: Oscar Mayer Wienermobile gets frank warning from officer
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