The Black Cat Alley Mural Project officially opened to the public on the final day of Doors Open, featuring murals covering diverse issues in a variety of mediums. The project hopes to engage the East Side community in discussions about social justice issues and to inspire young artists.
All eleven artists gathered in the performance room of the Colectivo on Prospect for a “Meet the Artist” panel on September 16, where they discussed the importance of street art, the inspiration behind their murals, and the project’s danger of inviting gentrification.
The Milwaukee Independent
Original © copyright: the Milwaukee Independent. Subscribe to our soundcloud channel for more audio reports.
Extended coverage of Black Cat Alley includes articles, photo essays, video segments, and interactive location mapping:
Black Cat Alley Part 1: Transformative Art
Black Cat Alley Part 2: With Artists Richardson, Redmon, Stoner, McGibbon, Kristan
Black Cat Alley Part 3: With Artists Martinez, CERA, Kowalczyk, Minga, Reiss, Decker
Photo Essay: Black Cat Alley draws huge crowds
Map: East Side Art Destination
360° Video: Walking Among Murals
Video: The Color Orange