Search Results for: BID

Jewish voices in Milwaukee join state leaders calling for peace in Palestine

The 70th anniversary commemoration of the Nakba, or “catastrophe” in Arabic, was held on May 14 at a Lakefront rally that brought together interfaith groups in Milwaukee seeking an end to Palestinian oppression, on a day that also saw Israel kiII dozens of civilians at Gaza dead. The rally and march opposed the ongoing occupation of Palestine. It coincided with the controversial opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem. No previous president before Trump had authorized the relocation, due to concern that the measure would complicated efforts for Middle East Peace. Hosted by Friends of Palestine – Wisconsin, participating...

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Elderly patients at risk as Wisconsin’s healthcare workers burn out

As Wisconsin ages, and as its population of senior citizens grows, the health care workers who attend to them face growing risks of overwork and burnout. These factors are colliding to put nursing homes and other long-term care facilities around the state in a bind. While conventional wisdom is that health care is a growing industry that creates a wealth of opportunities for good jobs, the industry as a whole is facing worker shortages, and employees in Wisconsin’s residential and long-term care facilities are facing increasing levels of stress and fatigue, according to a report the Wisconsin Assisted Living...

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Wisconsin faces drastic Medicaid funding shortfall from census undercounting

Census counts are the basis for allocating more than $800 billion of federal funding each year, and in fiscal year 2015 Wisconsin received more than $9.1 billion from 16 large federal programs that distribute money based on census statistics. State and local governments have many reasons to start taking steps to ensure that the 2020 census is a complete count of their residents. Unfortunately, our state may be lagging behind many others in preparing for a complete census count. A recent report by the Georgetown University Institute of Public Policy examines how a census undercount can substantially increase the...

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City Hall gets permanent public art display with installation of iconic bronze sculpture

The “Mixed Feelings” abstract sculpture by internationally acclaimed British artist Tony Cragg was lifted into place by crane at the south entrance of Milwaukee City Hall, by the northeast corner of Wells and Water streets, on April 30. The installation was coordinated by Russell Bowman, an art consultant based in Chicago and former Director of the Milwaukee Art Museum. Bowman is currently serving as art advisor of Sculpture Milwaukee. An anonymous donor provided a grant to the Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 to acquire “Mixed Feelings” and donate the art to the community. “It will be interesting to see how...

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The Starbucks Arrest, Dontre Hamilton’s Death, and Sitting in Public While Black

The recent incident at a Philadelphia Starbucks has brought the issue of unconscious bias onto the centerstage of America’s ongoing racial discourse. The CEO of Starbucks, Kevin Johnson, issued an apology to the two black men who were arrested after simply waiting on a friend at Starbucks and refusing to order food or drinks. During his apology Johnson mentioned “training around unconscious bias.” I’m sure he means well, but Starbucks workers have unnecessarily called the police on blacks before. On April 30, 2014, Starbucks employees in Milwaukee at Red Arrow Park called the police not once but twice because...

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State tax system making local income inequality worse

Wisconsin is a better place for everyone when everyone does well. Unfortunately, while the wealthiest have seen their incomes skyrocket in recent decades, incomes have remained the same for the middle class and those who struggle to make ends meet. For Wisconsin families, it’s becoming harder to make it to the middle class and stay there. Lawmakers in Wisconsin have only made this problem worse by giving massive breaks to special interests while forcing cuts to things that benefit all of us, like education and clean air and water. As a result, low-income and middle-income families in Wisconsin pay...

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