Search Results for: BID

Supreme Court’s decision on Muslim Travel Ban comes with real human cost

“This hateful policy is a catastrophe all around – not only for those who simply want to travel, work, or study here in the States, but for those seeking safety from violence as well. While this decision doesn’t address the separate and equally harmful ban on refugees, it cruelly traps people in conflict-afflicted countries and prevents them from seeking safety in the U.S. or being reunited with family. Some of the people banned from this policy are fleeing conflicts that the United States has had a direct hand in creating or perpetuating, as is the case in Yemen and...

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Wisconsin Supreme Court: Five cases that forged the State’s legal heritage

Wisconsin marked its 170th anniversary of statehood on May 29, 2018. To understand the state’s relationship to federal law and national government, legal scholar Joseph Ranney says it is necessary to look back decades earlier, to a point in United States history when the Constitution was still being drafted with the adoption of the Northwest Ordinance. “The Northwest Ordinance is arguably the most important law passed that affects Wisconsin,” Ranney said. Ranney is a lawyer and visiting professor at the Marquette University Law School and the author of many books, including Wisconsin and the Shaping of American Law, published...

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Rally at Homeland Security office seeks end to indefinite imprisonment of families

On June 21, hundreds of immigrant community members and supporters rallied outside the Milwaukee office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to protest President Trump’s Executive Order regarding the indefinite imprisonment of families in internment camps and to call for the abolition of ICE. “Right now, my family is suffering from the detention of my brother-in-law and nephew as they were coming to the United States,” Ondina Andino, a US Citizen from Honduras whose brother-in-law José Cornejo-Lopez and nephew Wueili Josue Cornejo Perez are being held in separate internment camps in Arizona. “They were arrested and separated over a...

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Juneteenth Day 2018 brings joy with the tearful rain of weeping ancestors

Inclement weather on June 19 could not dampen enthusiasm and excitement for Milwaukee’s 47th Annual Juneteenth Day Festival, along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive between Center and Burleigh Streets, attracting crowds of thousands to celebrate the end of slavery that still lacks recognition as an official federal holiday. The annual Juneteenth Day Celebration is the oldest known commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth marks the African American proclaimed of freedom to all slaves in the South by Union General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865 in Galveston, Texas. The news came nearly two...

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Democratic National Committee selects Milwaukee as finalist to host 2020 Convention

The Milwaukee 2020 DNC Convention committee formally submitted its bid for the city of Milwaukee to host the 2020 Democratic National Convention on July 18 and was named as a finalist less than two days later. The DNC convention will be held in 2020 from July 13 to 16. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) named four finalists for the location of the 2020 Convention: Milwaukee, Denver, Houston and Miami Beach. Immediately after the DNC’s announcement, Denver withdrew their bid due to scheduling conflicts. In a statement reacting to the selection, lex Lasry, Chairman of the Milwaukee 2020 DNC Convention...

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Nephrologist Dr. Adel Korkor raises awareness for mental health with 37th consecutive 5K

A nephrologist from Wisconsin, Dr. Adel Korkor ran his 37th consecutive 5K in his 37th state on June 8 at Prospect Park in Brooklyn to raise awareness for mental health. The Five Fifty Fifty Run/Walk Series for Mental Health launched on May 5 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Since then, Dr. Korkor has run 36 consecutive 5Ks across the entirety of the United States, from Alaska to Texas, and Hawaii to Virginia. Over 1,200 people have participated with Dr. Korkor to date. “The journey across America has been incredible and is far beyond what I expected,” said Dr. Korkor. “I have...

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