Search Results for: BID

National spotlight will be on Milwaukee’s Latino community during LULAC National Convention

By Ana Martinez-Ortiz • Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service In a year when issues such as immigration and a proposed wall at the Mexican border have become major political issues, the nation’s oldest and largest Hispanic organization will hold its convention in Milwaukee in July. Hot-button issues will definitely be on the agenda at the convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC, and several Democratic presidential candidates have been invited to speak. Here is a primer on the organization and the convention: What is LULAC? The League of United Latin American Citizens began 90 years ago....

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The Alt-Constitution: A corrupt interpretation of America’s supreme law

By John E. Finn, Professor Emeritus of Government, Wesleyan University Constitution worship does not encourage or even tolerate critical thinking about the Founders or their work. Nor does it make room for any inquiry into where they might have got things wrong or where or how the Constitution may need fixing. I believe the Alt-constitution threatens the values, norms and principles that make up our constitutional tradition. About 10 years ago, I spent a sabbatical on the Maine coast writing a book about the Constitution. One afternoon, an eager reference librarian who knew about my interests invited me to...

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Sculpture Milwaukee to transform Chase Bank’s two-story atrium into “jewel box” for annual art exhibit

The city’s annual outdoor art exhibition, Sculpture Milwaukee, rounded out its list of artists for 2019 with an additional seven participants, for a total of 23 sculptures that will be installed along Wisconsin Avenue in a few weeks. In a first-ever building installation for Sculpture Milwaukee, Carlos Rolón will transform the Chase Bank atrium on the corner of Water Street and Wisconsin Avenue into the largest of the 23 artworks with his Gild the Lily (Caribbean Hybrid I, II, III), 2019. The bank’s two-story atrium windows will be sheathed in vinyl from the inside in a translucent diorama of...

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Reducing the Risk: Ideas to improve Foxconn contract so taxpayers actually see a benefit

Governor Evers and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) should sit down with Foxconn and talk about options for making the contract better for all involved. Whether they can and should actually sign a new contract is a much harder question to answer and will depend on the negotiations. A new deal is worth pursuing because it could potentially reduce the risk that Foxconn will drop its plans for a manufacturing facility in Racine County. As someone who thinks the original deal was far too expensive, a year or so ago I might not have been bothered if Foxconn...

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No Worker Left Behind: Why the economy works better with opportunities for all citizens

Every day Carol Ruiz wakes up at 3:30 am and goes to an airline catering service at Newark airport, where she helps prepare the food carts that flight attendants push up and down the aisle. She organizes the napkins, creamers, sugar and cups that go on the beverage cart, cleans the glasses and silverware, and diligently tracks the champagne that goes on the carts for first class passengers. At the end of her 40-hour week she takes home $345. The average airline CEO makes that amount in about 20 minutes. Last year, while Carol was undergoing treatment for cancer,...

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