Search Results for: BID

Allow the Outraged: Exposure to repeated trauma should never be accepted as commonplace

Something often happens to people exposed to repeated trauma. Gradually, they become conditioned to accept the horrors as commonplace. Time and brutality starts to wear down their defenses and sap their emotional resources and they begin learn to live alongside the most malignant sickness as if it were ordinary. Slowly but quite decidedly they grow numb to the unthinkable cruelty and the sustained violence until it all begins to seem normal. Eventually they lose the ability to be outraged or to push back or to even care. Self-preservation begins to craft a story in their heads where the most...

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Mother-daughter duo paint swing bridge mural inspired by nearby river ecology

The Brady Area Foundation for Arts and Education (BAFAE), represented by the Brady Street Business Improvement District (BID #11), recently commissioned a new mural in the spirit of the city’s growing public art culture. Located under the iconic Holton Street Bridge across from the Swing Park, artist Stacey Williams-Ng was hired to produce a mural that would brighten the underpass. BAFAE sought proposals for incorporating more art into the area, including the McCormack-Vervis Park and the ramp going up the hill to Brady Street. Williams-Ng was selected in part because of her work leading Black Cat Alley and pioneering...

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Postman’s Porch: Transformed Postman Square creates a “third space” for downtown neighbors

Although technically a triangle, downtown’s Postman Square was transformed into Postman’s Porch with a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 4, breathing new life into the underutilized prime location and making it a “third space” for the area community. The Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 put their “stamp” on Milwaukee’s latest public space, Postman’s Porch, at the convergence of Plankinton Avenue, Wells Street, and 2nd Street. In partnership with members of the neighborhood, the traffic triangle was redeveloped through $12,000 of private investments, converting the space into a morning, midday, and after-hours meeting spot. “Earlier this year, under the guidance of...

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Big Tobacco shifts to using social media as shortcut to hook a new generation of smokers

By Robert Kozinets, University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism Big Tobacco is increasingly using social media to find new ways to hook young people on smoking, circumventing decades of laws restricting the marketing of traditional cigarettes to minors. In major cities around the world, tobacco companies have been holding extravagant events that were designed to connect with young people. Often featuring alcohol, live music, and attractive hosts, these lavish events spare no expense as they seek find new buyers for their tobacco products. The problem? Those party-goers are carefully targeted young influencers, who are encouraged...

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Gateway mural by Emma Daisy Gertel will blossom in Westown this summer

Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 and the Downtown Placemaking Task Force have commissioned local artist Emma Daisy Gertel for the new Westown mural at the northeast corner of James Lovell Street and Wisconsin Avenue. The high-impact, west-facing canvas will feature an urban garden as its subject matter, a metaphor for the resurgence in Westown. Installation will begin in late-June following community engagement sessions. The approximate size of the mural will be 80 feet wide and 50 feet high. “My artistic concept is to create a bright, colorful garden of flora to enliven the space and create a sense of wonder,...

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Walking the Talk: Jane’s Walk MKE Gets Political

This past April I saw three children huddled at the street corner in front of Camp Bar Tosa, eyeing the other side as if North Avenue was a raging and dangerous river. They hugged each other as they teetered at the curb. I had witnessed many pedestrians standing hesitantly on the curb, allowing car after car to whiz by, but this sight disturbed me. I should have intervened right away, but was distracted with finishing my errands. When I returned a short time later, I saw that two of the youth had made it across the road, leaving the...

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