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Unknown vandals deface social justice mural at Black Cat Alley

“My piece deals with the history of mass incarceration in Wisconsin, which has the highest rate of black male incarceration in the nation. One out of eight African American men in the State of Wisconsin, or 12.8%, is currently incarcerated. It’s an issue that we have not solved and it’s an issue that we rarely address as a community. I think we must open that dialogue up of what’s happening in Milwaukee to a wider audience. We need to think about it, and we need to create solutions.” – Adam Stoner, artist of the “Devontay” mural The iconic “Devontay”...

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Republican Tax Plan remains a huge windfall for Wisconsin wealthy

Photo by Gage Skidmore and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 The tax cut plan unveiled by House Republicans would provide a massive windfall to corporations and the wealthiest Americans, while hurting some taxpayers and substantially increasing the federal deficit. We don’t yet have updated calculations of how the revised plan will redistribute taxes among different income groups, but the modest revisions to the plan won’t significantly change the previous calculations – which found that 80% of the tax cuts in the initial plan would go to the top 1% of Americans. (See Figure 2 in this Oct. 27th analysis...

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Milwaukee makes formal proposal for Amazon’s second corporate HQ

As co-chairs of the Milwaukee 7 regional economic development organization, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Waukesha County Executive Paul Farrow discussed the formal bid that the M7 was submitting to become a new home for on October 18. Because of confidentiality requirements, specific details were not presented to the public. But Mayor Barrett explained that Milwaukee’s proposal would not use gimmicks to attract the online retailer’s attention. “As I went through the criteria that Amazon was laying out, I was able to say over and over and over again, ‘check, check, and check.’ We meet those requirements,” said...

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Social enterprise event raises $170K for Milwaukee homeownership

Barbara Hudson rented a home from her brother until he became ill and lost the home to foreclosure. She wanted to purchase the home on West Galena, but her credit history was a roadblock. One day she found an ACTS Housing Orientation flyer on her door. Three years after attending an ACTS orientation, Barbara owns her home. On September 28, ACTS Housing celebrated Milwaukee families who, like Barbara, have completed the ACTS process and now own their own homes at the “Longest Neighborhood Table” event. ACTS Housing, founded in 1995, has empowered over 2,200 families to become homeowners—167 in...

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