Search Results for: BID

O’Donnell Park structures part of County transfer to Milwaukee Art Museum

In an agreement signed on December 18 with Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) is taking ownership of several buildings that make up its lakefront campus, along with O’Donnell Park and the parking garage beneath it. Included in the deal, MAM will assume responsibility for tens of millions of dollars in maintenance costs for the structures, while the county retains ownership of the land. “As a longtime personal supporter of both the Milwaukee Art Museum and efforts to preserve our lakefront, I am pleased that this deal also protects public spaces for future generations and provides the museum...

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The Johnson Amendment, the Trump Tax Plan, and Dark Money

A small victory was won on December 15 for those who support church-state separation and electoral accountability. A provision of the Republican tax bill, which would have gutted the Johnson Amendment, was blocked from being included in the final legislation. “The Johnson Amendment ensures our nation’s churches and other charities aren’t converted into political action committees to be used by the mega-wealthy to buy elections,” said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. “Theists and non-theists alike can celebrate the success of our collaborative efforts to retain this critical protection.” A provision in the U.S. tax code...

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Inadequate funding of 2020 Census could harm Wisconsin residents

“The Census is the bedrock upon which we construct our system of representative democracy. It provides for apportionment, redistricting, and the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars of federal funding.” – Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross By this time in the decennial cycle over the last five decades, funding would be ramping up so the U.S. Census Bureau could scale up its activity appropriately to undertake the constitutionally-required enumeration of the U.S. population scheduled for 2020. Yet the Congress has underfunded the Bureau for the last several years, and estimates for a shortfall for 2018 alone now range...

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A week of White Supremacy in Milwaukee from guns to racial threats to KKK symbols

Milwaukee experienced every national hot-button issue in a single week, from carrying concealed guns, to the KKK, to blunt racial hatred as proof that White Supremacy is alive and well in the region. The week began with a controversial photo showing city contractors brandishing handguns on a job site in a black neighborhood. It ended with an equally unsettling photo of a city contractor’s lunch cooler decorated with stickers of the Confederate flag and Ku Klux Klan. Both images appeared on Facebook and led to immediate public outrage. The handgun photo was posted to Facebook on November 30, and...

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Gingerbread creations baked by MATC students on display at Public Market

The public is encouraged to view and bid on the creations, with proceeds from the silent auctions for each entry to be used as scholarships for students in baking programs through the MATC Foundation, Inc. Milwaukee Area Technical College’s annual gingerbread house competition and public display runs this year from December 2 to 13 at the Milwaukee Public Market, 400 N. Water St. All entries were created by MATC’s baking and pastry arts associate degree and baking production diploma program students. In addition to 31 elaborate traditional gingerbread house entries, there will be three replicas of the new Milwaukee...

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104th Annual Christmas Tree lighting begins Milwaukee’s holiday season

After the tree lighting in New York City, Milwaukee held the second oldest holiday tradition of its kind in the United States on November 16, with festivities that included performances of music and dance, and a fireworks show along the river. Previously held at Red Arrow Park for many years, the tree lighting location returned to its original spot at Wells and Water Streets in 2016, at the City Hall planter. Thousands of Milwaukee residents attended the festivities and enjoyed treats like hot cocoa and freshly baked ginger bread men. Special guests included Santa and his reindeer, and carols...

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