Search Results for: BID

Michael Bloomberg visits Milwaukee to open campaign office as 2020 Democratic candidate for president

Opening his first political campaign office in Wisconsin, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg met with Milwaukee voters in the Third Ward and Walker’s Point on December 21 during his stop in Milwaukee as a Democratic Presidential candidate. Just under a month since announcing his bid for the presidency, Bloomberg said that he was working to restore Wisconsin as a blue state. After Philadelphia and Detroit, Milwaukee was the final city of his whistle-stop campaign of battleground states that Democrats lost to Trump in 2016. “Our campaign is going to make Wisconsin a top priority. Not starting in the...

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Foxconn Trouble: An overview of what is at stake now in a disputed deal gone wrong from the start

For much of this year, Wisconsin officials have been trying to meet with Foxconn and renegotiate the contract that provides for large cash subsidies to be paid to the corporation if it meets certain job and spending targets. According to the Secretary of the Department of Administration, Joel Brennan, the unilateral choices made by Foxconn to build something much different and far smaller than originally promised mean that the state and Foxconn should “work together to ‘right size’ the contract through the amendment process.” It was actually Foxconn that first suggested that the contract should be renegotiated, but it...

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Anti-immigration bill revived during holiday season to racially target and financially punish Milwaukee

Senate Bill 151, a legislation proposal that failed previously in 2011, 2016, and 2017, was rejected by former Republican Governor Scott Walker. It was recently resurrected yet again by several Republican State Senators. The measure seeks to forbid Wisconsin municipalities, with a targeted focus on Milwaukee, from becoming “sanctuary cities.” The result would compel local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration agents, without taxpayer compensation and with economic penalties. In effect, it would federalize local police with extrajudicial powers and no oversight. The State of Wisconsin’s Senate Committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform held a public hearing on December...

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Community leaders reject SB 151 as State Senators promote it to embolden hatred against immigrants

Wisconsin’s largest grassroots immigrant rights organization Voces de la Frontera held a press conference with allies on December 17 at the State Capitol, prior to members giving testimony on the issue of Senate Bill 151. “This is a bill that was introduced in 2011, 2016, and 2017, and has been resoundingly rejected by Wisconsinites. The only driving agenda behind these national copycat bills is the private prison industry. It is shameful that as Christmas approaches, this is the kind of bill that would be introduced. This is a bill that separates families, and it promotes racial profiling. It goes...

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Milwaukee voices plan to send a message to Congress during nationwide “Impeach & Remove” rally

At more than 500 rallies planned for the evening of December 17, hundreds of thousands of Americans are expected to call on the U.S. House to vote to impeach President Donald Trump, including residents of Milwaukee. The rallies will take place at congressional offices and other public spaces the night before the House is expected to vote on two articles of impeachment. Trump stands accused of abusing his power when he pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate his political rival former Vice President Joe Biden, and obstructed Congress by stonewalling its investigation. “The facts are uncontested,” organizers said. “An...

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Appraising the value of freedom, personal liberty, and human dignity on Bill of Rights Day

The Bill of Rights Day, December 15, 2019, celebrates the 228th birthday of the first Ten Amendments to the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights not only confirms individual and inherent rights but also amounts to the first tweaks to the limits and controls of the federal government. Quarrels abound about interpreting this quill-penned document but its genius remains unchallenged. It continues to play an integral role in the everyday lives of Americans — including right here in Milwaukee County in 2019. The Bill of Rights as Part of the Every Day Lives in Milwaukee — The Sixth...

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