Search Results for: BID

Milwaukee Police Department to begin enforcement of “Safer at Home” ordinance

The Common Council passed an ordinance on April 21 to allow Milwaukee Police and the Health Department to issue a citation up to $500, in rare instances where individuals were deliberately violating the Safer at Home order that has been place in the city to help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Effective May 2, 2020, the Milwaukee City Ordinance “Violation or Obstruction of Orders” citation can be issued. The citation does not replace the option to arrest and pursue criminal charges under state statute. “Quite simply, this action does not affect the range of options and discretion for...

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COVID-19 has exposed the “Myth of Choice” in American’s Healthcare system

Choice. It is what we all want in America. We rail against being told how to run our lives, especially by the government. But when it comes to health insurance, choice is an illusion and you do not really know what you are getting. With the COVID-19 pandemic straining our healthcare system beyond its capacity, this mirage of choice is coming back to bite us. Many Americans with COVID-19 will not get their testing and treatment covered because the plan they chose doesn’t fully cover this kind of care. If you are fortunate enough to be insured by one...

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Reggie Jackson: When white privilege comes up against a pandemic

“The unwelcomed, unwanted, unwarranted and force-induced intrusion upon the campus of the University of Alabama today of the might of the Central Government offers frightful example of the oppression of the rights, privileges and sovereignty of this State by officers of the Federal Government. This intrusion results solely from force, or threat of force, undignified by any reasonable application of the principle of law, reason and justice.” – Alabama Governor George Wallace Speech, while refusing admittance of black students at the University of Alabama June 11, 1963 “It was with a heavy heart that I found it necessary to...

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The American Parasite: Coronavirus crisis highlights the dysfunction by design of Red States

For the past 40-plus years, a group of “conservative” billionaires have been working as hard as they can to reshape our federal government from one that provides education, health care, housing, food and other necessities into one that does nothing more than run the military and fight wars. It’s time to give them what they’ve worked so hard to get. The coronavirus crisis is highlighting how dysfunctional states run by Republicans are. This is a feature of GOP rule, not a bug. For the past 40-plus years, a group of “conservative” billionaires have been working as hard as they...

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The insistence to prematurely “Open America” is a slap in the face to healthcare workers

The President keeps teasing it in his daily propaganda, ego-stroke photo op. His sycophantic surrogates repeat the refrain on social media and in press releases. Soulless partisan television hosts pound us relentlessly with it. MAGA cult members protest mask-less and in close quarters for it. This united offensive to quickly get Americans back to work, is all happening on days when we are losing over two thousand people a day, when we’ve eclipsed 644,000 confirmed cases, when 29,000 have died in the span of eight weeks. And every single life that is threatened by this vicious, insidious illness—falls squarely...

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“Key to Change” donations critical for Milwaukee’s homeless population amid COVID-19 crisis

The organization behind the creation of the “Key to Change” campaign, Milwaukee Downtown BID #21, is appealing to the local community for support. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, there is a lack of resources and basic necessities for the city’s most vulnerable populations. This includes homeless individuals, as well as participants in Milwaukee County Housing Division’s Housing First initiative – a national model for addressing homelessness that provides housing as the first step toward stabilization. “As businesses, churches, shelters, meal programs and food pantries have had to alter their operations, so have we,” said Beth Lappen, Downtown Homeless Outreach Coordinator...

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