Search Results for: BID

The Myth of Anti-Whiteness: When telling the truth is mischaracterized as attacking whites

“Institutional racism insidiously cloaks racial discrimination in the innocence of the accidental.” – Robert B. Baker, PhD “I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin “From that moment on, I was no longer a liberal, a believer in the self-correcting character of American democracy. I was a radical, believing that something fundamental was wrong in this country–not just the existence of poverty amidst great wealth, not just the horrible treatment of black people, but something rotten at the root.”...

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Panoramic mural stretching the length of MacArthur Square to join map of downtown art locations

Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 and the Downtown Placemaking Task Force are continuing to make their mark throughout downtown Milwaukee. Earlier this year, the south-facing façade of the 2nd Street skywalk, between Wisconsin Avenue and Michigan Street, was announced as a new community canvas. Now the group is unveiling plans for a panoramic portrait at MacArthur Square, in partnership with the City of Milwaukee’s Department of Public Works. The announcement comes as Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 completes a new, interactive Public Art map highlighting over 140 monuments, sculptures and murals throughout downtown Milwaukee and nearby neighborhoods. “Public Art is a...

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Reggie Jackson: From “Service workers” to “Essential workers” and the sad irony for poorly paid Americans

“Senator Mitt Romney proposed a hazard pay raise of up to $12 an hour for essential workers such as health-care and grocery store employees facing greater risks during the coronavirus pandemic.” “15 gifts to give essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic” – USA Today As I see ads on TV celebrating our “essential workers” I’m somewhat amused. Amused not because they are funny, but amused because four months ago these workers were for the most part hidden in plain sight. They are the masses that keep our economy churning, many of them for poverty wages. In a way it...

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Mayor Tom Barrett says Milwaukee’s Stay at Home order remains in place to keep public safe

After the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued its controversial and reckless decision to overturn the state’s “Safer at Home” order on May 13, the Stay at Home order for the City of Milwaukee will remain in place. “Our next step is to look at what the Wisconsin Supreme Court allows us to do at the local level, because we still have a lot of cases here,” said Mayor Barrett. “I would love us to be out of this, but we’re not out of this, and we’re going to have to take some action at the local level if the state...

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Marquette Poll finds strong majority of Wisconsinites remain supportive of “Stay at Home” policy

A strong majority of Wisconsin residents continue to support the decision by Governor Tony Evers to close businesses and schools to slow the spread of COVID-19, according to the latest poll numbers from Marquette University Law School. But approval for those restrictions slipped over the past month, driven largely by a drop in support among Republicans. Marquette interviewed 811 registered voters from May 3-7. The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. The poll found that 69 percent of voters said it was appropriate to close schools and businesses and restrict public gatherings....

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Municipal clerks scramble to ensure public safety as Wisconsin prepares for next election during pandemic

Many states have postponed elections or moved to all-mail in voting. Wisconsin’s 1,850 municipal clerks must figure out how to hold safe in-person balloting. Tamia Fowlkes of Milwaukee was among thousands of voters in Wisconsin who reluctantly went to the polls on April 7. Fowlkes had voted absentee — like more than a million other voters in the state — but then helped her grandfather cast his ballot in person after the state Supreme Court ruled that Governor Tony Evers lacked the authority to delay the election because of the pandemic. “We were the only state in the entire...

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