Search Results for: BID

Downstream residents fear impact of Foxconn factory will create flooding

Flooding along the Des Plaines River in northeastern Illinois in the summer of 2017 damaged more than 6,000 buildings and prompted disaster declarations across three of the state’s counties. These floods broke records previously set in 2013, when the Des Plaines and other rivers around Chicago swelled with torrential rains. In June 2018, the Des Plaines flooded yet again, as did the Fox River to the west. The Des Plaines begins at the southern edge of Racine County and, after a pair of bends in Kenosha County, flows south, then slightly southeast, for 133 miles through Chicago’s suburbs until...

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The unsustainable habit of rewarding corporations that cut local jobs

Wisconsin keeps paying more to profitable corporations to subsidize manufacturing, while demanding less in return. In fact, the Governor’s proposal to subsidize Kimberly Clark jobs would pay that corporation roughly $7 million per year over the next 15 years — if they agree not to cut jobs by more than 7%. Compounding the problems, the proposed deal would allow the company to back out at any time, without giving up any of the generous subsidies it has received. Although the proponents of the proposed subsidies refer to them as “tax credits,” that is misleading because manufacturers already receive a...

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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: An open letter to the NFL’s owners

Dear NFL owners: Whew! What a tumultuous year for your league. Slipping attendance and ratings. Continuing concussion controversy. Lawsuits from cheerleaders who refuse to shut up and smile. Domestic violence accusations against players. The Papa John’s founder mouthing off about something or other. Players taking a national anthem knee (NAK, for short). President Trump’s “problematic” rambling. Commissioner Roger Goodell under siege from, well, everybody. Bet it makes you fellas long for the good old days when all you had to worry about was Janet Jackson’s nip slip. Where’s faithful Hodor when you need someone to hold the door against...

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Josh Hader or Josh Hater?

On a hot summer day, dedicated to the “boys of summer,” Major League Baseball (MLB) celebrated its brightest stars in its annual All-Star game. Our local team, the Milwaukee Brewers, was well represented at the game in a season that has been without controversy. On that glorious night, the spotlight would shine on a young southpaw, All-Star Josh Hader of the Milwaukee Brewers. Unfortunately, the light did not shine on his exploits as one of the more dominant, exciting young pitchers in the league. Instead, Major League Baseball would get caught in the trajectory of a social media firestorm...

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Milwaukee employees feel the love for working downtown with a week of appreciation events

The Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 kicked off the 13th annual Downtown Employee Appreciation Week on July 23, with activities that recognize the heart of the city as a welcoming place to live, work, and visit. The weeklong celebration rewards downtown’s 83,490+ employees with outdoor entertainment, games, and free lunches, as well as after-hours events, team trivia, giveaways and more. Mayor Tom Barrett started the week of festivities with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Red Arrow Park. Highlights from the first day of events included live music and lunch for one thousand employees. Throughout the week, lunchtime giveaways travel to various...

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88Nine presents “AlleyWayz” tiny mural concert series at Black Cat Alley

88Nine Radio Milwaukee will present AlleyWayz, a live performance series of acoustic concerts this summer at the East Side’s Black Cat Alley, between Farwell and Prospect Avenues behind the Oriental Theater. The series starts July 22 and will showcase five emerging Milwaukee musicians, in partnership with five muralists, to present intimate and engaging performances for a local and online audience. The series came together as a collaboration of creatives from across the city, spearheaded by Aaron Davis, experience designer with BLK SHP (pronounced “Black Sheep”); Enrique Rodriguez, founder of Magic Studios; and Stacey Williams-Ng, program director of Black Cat...

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