Search Results for: BID

Wisconsin legislators follow national trend to discard democracy for one-party rule

“This isn’t a bill. This is a coup.” – Randy Bryce (a.k.a. the “Iron Stache”) The rushed enactment of bills being considered in the Wisconsin Legislature on Tuesday would leave a dark and long-lasting stain on our state’s reputation for being a home of good government, clean politics and thoughtful policymaking. Enacting the proposed bills would be the first time in Wisconsin’s 160-year history that a lame duck session was ever used to sharply reduce the power of a newly-elected Governor and a newly elected Attorney General. And it would make Wisconsin one of just a small number of...

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All options being considered if GOP lawmakers push to limit in-coming Governor’s powers

Governor-elect Tony Evers says his team is considering “all options” if Republicans use the lame-duck legislation to limit the powers of his office and incoming Attorney General Josh Kaul become law. Evers said he is calling on the public to reach out to their lawmakers to encourage them to vote against the legislation, which seeks to protect changes Republicans have made to state government over the past eight years. “We are looking at all options,” Evers said at a Milwaukee press conference Sunday. “Obviously litigation is one of them, but there are maybe other options for us.” Among other...

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Wisconsin sees campaign investments of $61.5M aimed at further dividing people and communities

Political advertising is a practical necessity, but money spent on candidate bashing in Wisconsin promotes a level of fear and hate that takes root in lasting social trauma. About four dozen wealthy special interest groups doled out more than $60 million to mostly smear candidates during the 2018 fall legislative and statewide elections, a Wisconsin Democracy Campaign preliminary review found. The record-smashing amount spent by these outside electioneering groups totaled $61.4 million, including nearly $31.3 million by Republican outfits and $30.1 million by Democratic groups. Compared to other mid-term election years that featured legislative and statewide races, spending by...

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Milwaukee auctioneer expected to sell Babe Ruth’s 1924 home run bat for record amount

The autographed bat Babe Ruth used to hit the first home run of the 1924 season off Hall of Fame pitcher Walter Johnson is predicted to set a new record for the sale price of a game used bat, with bids anticipated from international collectors. The antique baseball relic’s sale is being brokered by South Milwaukee-based Mears Online Auctions. Anticipated to sell in excess of $3 million, industry experts have said the historic item is the finest Ruth bat to enter the market in over a decade. “With its provenance, autograph, physical dimensions, and photo of Ruth promoting the...

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Rigged for the Wealthy: Wisconsin tax system demands the least from those who profit the most

Wisconsin is a better place for everyone when hard-working families are able to provide for their families and climb the economic ladder. But when the lion’s share of economic gains goes to a small number of wealthy and well-connected individuals who have rigged the system for their own benefit, it is more difficult for Wisconsin families to get ahead. Wisconsin’s tax system contributes to the growing concentration of wealth by calling on the richest residents to pay the smallest share of their income in taxes, and requiring residents with low and moderate incomes to pay more than their fair...

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Evangelicals make people of faith choose sides in their clandestine War on Christmas

Yes, there is a war on Christmas in America. The Evangelicals were right. The pulpit-pounding preachers were right. Franklin Graham was right. The Republicans were right. Donald Trump was right. Fox News was right. The Religious Right was right. Every single one of them was speaking gospel truth. They have all been warning me for years, and I did not want to believe them, lest hopelessness set in—but the proof is unavoidable now, and I need to confess they were right and I was wrong. I once was blind and now I see it clearly. They told me Christianity...

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