Search Results for: BID

Not a two-way street: The overwhelming burden of seeking unity with hateful people

Unity. That’s the word I hear a lot right now. In the wake of an election that is still being inexplicably contested by this president (one clearly won by President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris), I am being asked to show unity with his supporters; to extend some instant olive branch of understanding that magically bridges that cavernous gap between us — ones he revealed and is still actively cultivating. I’m sorry, but that isn’t something I’m willing to offer unconditionally and without caveat. We’ve been at this for five years. It isn’t as though I haven’t...

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Systemic Racism 201: The advantages Whites have felt entitled to for generations

Reggie Jackson details the institution of racial discrimination that White Americans continue to ignore or support. This feature is part of a special series of articles that takes a closer look at the issue of Racism in the United States, understanding what Racism is and its social impact, along with exploring the conditions of Racism in Milwaukee’s culture. “What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life—that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad…This...

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The Rot Runs Deep: A new president will not be enough to repair the Greatest Democracy

The good news is that Donald Trump has been voted out of the White House. The bad news is that Trump was not a unique, aberrant threat to American democracy; it was already broken so deeply and in so many ways that no single election can possibly repair the damage. Even with a Biden administration, the worsening structural inequities embedded in the nation for centuries – and cynically exploited by Republicans to govern with narrow minority support – will still be with us. They are embodied in institutions such as the electoral college, which elected Trump in 2016 despite...

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The long national nightmare is over as voters overwhelmingly tell Trump: You’re Fired

By Brian J Purnell, Associate Professor of Africana Studies and History, Bowdoin College; Morgan Marietta, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell; and Neta C. Crawford, Professor of Political Science and Department Chair, Boston University The American public has had its say and for the first time in a generation denied a sitting president a second term. President’s Trump’s tenure lasted just four years, but in that time he dragged policy on an array of key issues in a dramatic new direction. Joe Biden’s victory, confirmed by the Associated Press late morning on Nov. 7, presents an...

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Kicking and Screaming: How much more pain is Trump willing to inflict on the nation before leaving office?

President Trump, I wonder how much pain you’re willing to cause America. Apparently, more than you already have. It isn’t enough that you have spent every waking moment of the past four years manufacturing urgency for this nation, that you have continually appealed to the very worst nature of your followers; weaponizing them against their neighbors, friends, family members, and strangers. It isn’t enough that you have perpetually trafficked in lies, when the truth would have been much simpler and much less fraught with suffering and sickness; that you were almost habitually allergic to honesty even when honesty would...

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Author of Wisconsin’s gerrymandered voting system demands election fraud investigation without proof

The Trump campaign and Republicans have offered no evidence to support their desperate claims of widespread election irregularities, which have systematically been debunked. Yet, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, who has been for years dodged accusations of election rigging, called for an investigation of Wisconsin’s presidential election just days after preliminary results showed President Donald Trump lost the state to Joe Biden by fewer than 21,000 votes – roughly the same amount that Trump won by in 2016. “I am directing the committee to use its investigatory powers under Wisconsin SS 13.31 to immediately review how the election was...

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