Search Results for: BID

Squattergate: Refusal to concede the election is just another fundraising scam by top political grifters

Leave it to Trump and his Republican allies to spend more energy fighting non-existent voter fraud than containing a virus that has killed 244,000 Americans and counting. The cost of this misplaced attention is incalculable. While COVID-19 surges to record levels, there’s still no national strategy for equipment, stay at home orders, mask mandates or disaster relief. The other cost is found in the millions of Trump voters who are being led to believe the election was stolen and who will be a hostile force for years to come – making it harder to do much of anything the...

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America’s failed pandemic response will reverberate across health care and politics for years

By Simon F. Haeder, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Penn State; and Sarah E. Gollust, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, University of Minnesota Much has been written about the U.S. coronavirus response. Media accounts frequently turn to experts for their insights – commonly, epidemiologists or physicians. Countless surveys have also queried Americans and individuals from around the world about how the pandemic has affected them and their attitudes and opinions. Yet little is known about the views of a group of people particularly well qualified to render judgment on the United States‘s response and offer policy solutions:...

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State Republicans attempt to smear Wisconsin’s fair election by amplifying unfounded claims on results

In the week after the presidential election, misinformation has circulated on social media and political websites raising unfounded rumors about the integrity of Wisconsin’s election results. “Wisconsin’s election was conducted according to law and in the open,” said Meagan Wolfe, Wisconsin’s chief election official. “While the results are still unofficial and are currently being triple checked as part of the canvass and certification process, we have not seen any credible information to cast any doubt on those unofficial results.” Wolfe further stated, “When issues are reported to our office, we take them very seriously. We look into each allegation...

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Calling Races: The necessary role of the news media to project the outcome of elections in the United States

Fifty-one separate elections — one in each state and one in Washington DC, each with different rules and regulations, and no national elections commission to tell the world who wins. How, then, to quickly and accurately determine who won the highest office in the land? That is where the news media come in — and have done so since 1848, when The Associated Press declared the election of Zachary Taylor as president. The Electoral College actually chooses the president under the U.S. Constitution, acting in a process that starts with the popular vote across the republic. But its work...

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Dictatorship over Democracy: Concerns grow over Trump staging a coup as he refuses to concede election loss

Trump refuses to acknowledge Biden’s win, but experts say there is not a constitutional path forward for him to remain president. Joe Biden won the presidential election, a fact that Donald Trump and other Republicans refuse to acknowledge. There are worries the president and other Republicans will make every effort to stay in power. “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” said Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state. William Barr, the attorney general, has also authorized federal prosecutors to begin to investigate election irregularities, a move that prompted the head of the justice department’s election...

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Life without Trump: The problems faced by Blacks will not go away after Inauguration Day

The results of the 2016 presidential election came as a huge surprise for many Americans. It did not surprise me. When I heard definitively that Donald Trump had won the election I was not shocked like many people were. I said in the weeks leading up to the election that people should prepare for the strong possibility that Trump would win. I did not have a crystal ball. I was not a pollster that studied what Americans said they would do on election day. I knew about something more valuable — the white backlash to Barack Obama. Trump prior...

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