Search Results for: BID

Statue adds to Latino cultural hub on Chavez Drive

Undeterred by rain, hundreds of people, including state and local leaders, gathered in the Supermercado El Rey pedestrian plaza, 916 S. Cesar E. Chavez Drive, for the unveiling of a statue of labor activist and Mexican-American civil rights leader Cesar E. Chavez. “Cesar E. Chavez Drive showcases the best of the Latino community here, and there couldn’t be a more fitting location for this statue,” said District 12 Alderman Jose Perez, who was credited with helping spur the revitalization of Cesar E. Chavez Drive, once known simply as South Sixteenth Street. Perez pushed for a streetscape redesign of the...

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Joel Brennan: Public service outside public office

From working on election campaigns for Tom Barrett to his own bid for political office, Joel Brennan redirected his passion for public service to building a vibrant cultural community within Milwaukee to inspire a generation of children with the possibilities of science, and a transformative education that gives underprivileged youth the foundation to dream about future careers in water technology. | Q&A with Joel Brennan Milwaukee Independent: Who was your mentor growing-up, or the most influential person on your development? Joel Brennan: I grew up the second youngest of 11 kids, so I didn’t lack for mentors and influences in...

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James Godsil: Agent of Change

From marching with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to working with ESHAC to save Riverwest in the 1970s, James Godsil has been a mentor to generations in Milwaukee. Trading the prospects of his brilliant academic career to live the change he wanted to see in the world, Godsil has spent four decades on the roofs of every neighborhood in the city. With his retirement has come reflection, and continued motivation to shape a future for Milwaukee based on cultural equality and nourished by urban agriculture. | Q&A with James Godsil Milwaukee Independent: Do you have any fond memories from your...

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Juan Carlos Ruiz praised as beacon of hope for Latino community

“His dream was for a better America for all minorities,” said Roberto Ruiz of his father, who Milwaukee knew as an activist dedicated to social justice. “He spoke up for people who were not comfortable speaking for themselves, whether it was the language barrier or just because they were afraid to share their opinion. I feel like he was one of the first Latino leaders in Milwaukee who fought for our rights.” Juan Carlos Ruiz passed away in Milwaukee on March 3 at the age of 53. Family, friends, community leaders, and everyone who had their life touched by...

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State of the City: 2016 Address to Milwaukee

“I have faith in our residents, and faith in the future of this great city.” – Mayor Tom Barrett, City of Milwaukee | With so many great things going on in Milwaukee, it is an honor to report on the state of the city. Thank you Principal Chris Her-Xiong and Kongcheng Thao. And thank you to the adorable performers who delighted us this morning. Let’s give them another round of applause. I also want to acknowledge Alderman Jim Bohl who represents the neighborhood we’re in this morning. Alderman Bohl, thank you for being here. We’re happy to be here...

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