2021 saw highest number of traffic deaths in 16 years due to distractions, speeding, and alcohol
Nearly 43,000 people died in U.S. traffic crashes in 2021, the highest number in 16 years with deaths due to speeding and impaired or distracted driving on the rise. The 2021 final numbers, released in April by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,...
Forgotten Civil War veterans buried in County’s Poor Farm Cemetery finally honored on Memorial Day 2023
Memorial Day 2023 decorations at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery #3 marks what is thought to be the first time three Civil War veterans buried in cemeteries on County Grounds were honorably recognized with a Memorial Day flag for their service to the nation....
Quality of life provider and local development firm continue partnership in support of Veterans
Center for Veterans Issues (CVI) and The Alexander Company have partnered to rehabilitate and expand Vets Place Central, a longstanding, supportive, veterans housing facility in Milwaukee. Located at 3330 W. Wells Street in Milwaukee, the project aims to enhance the...
Modern Slavery: How American consumers enable global supply chains to exploit child workers
By Stuart Milligan, Associate Teaching Professor of Supply Chain Management, Thompson Rivers University; and Nancy Southin, Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management, Thompson Rivers University Even though the practice of slavery has been formally abolished, an...
Reggie Jackson: Remembering that the Declaration of Independence was a “Woke” Manifesto
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of...
Not planting means death: Ukraine farmers continue to risk losing their lives or livelihoods during war
A grassy lane rutted with tire tracks leads to Volodymyr Zaiets’ farm in southern Ukraine. He is careful, driving only within those shallow grooves, and veering away might cost him his life in the field dotted with explosive mines. Weeds grow tall where rows of...
Russian cyberespionage operations in dozens of countries finally disabled by the United States
The Justice Department announced in early May that it had disrupted a long-running Russian cyberespionage campaign that stole sensitive information from computer networks in dozens of countries, including the U.S. and other NATO members. Prosecutors linked the spying...
Global Ambitions: What peace for Ukraine means to authoritarian leaders in Moscow and Beijing
By Ronald Suny, Professor of History and Political Science, University of Michigan Just a few days after being branded a war criminal in an international arrest warrant, Russian President Vladimir Putin was talking peace with his most important ally, Chinese president...
Acts of Hate: Local family faces lengthy legal battle with neighbors over alleged racial harassment
A heated lawsuit is underway in the quiet suburban neighborhood of Mount Pleasant as Carlos J. Amaya and Laura V. Amaya filed a lawsuit against their neighbors, James I. Coots and Cindy J. Coots on May 23. The lawsuit also includes ABC Insurance Company, alleging...
NAACP joins other civil rights groups with public warning to tourists about Florida’s hostile laws
The NAACP issued a travel advisory for Florida, joining two other civil rights groups in warning potential tourists that recent laws and policies championed by Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida lawmakers are “openly hostile toward African Americans, people of...
CONNECT 1 Service: MCTS launches summer route changes along with new BRT line on June 4
Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) summer schedules go into effect on June 4, and include the launch of the new CONNECT 1. Wisconsin’s first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line, CONNECT 1, will deliver a premium level of transit service that improves mobility and...
Milwaukee Mile prepares for return of NASCAR series with safety training and track upgrades
Before the NASCAR Craftsman Truck series could return to the Milwaukee Mile for the Clean Harbors 175 race, after a 14-year absence, the racing association demanded some track repairs and retraining for the Fire and Safety crews. Even though the series is not...