Information graphics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. Infographics have been around for many years, but have become widely used in the age of short attention spans. They have evolved in recent years to be used for mass communication, and are therefore designed with fewer assumptions about knowledge base of readers.
This collection covers various aspects of how social media, and specifically Facebook, affects members of the community. The toggle will expand each graphic like an accordion for easier viewing.
01: Which Social Media Personality Are You?

02: Facebook Psychology

03: Digital Stress and Your Brain

04: What Makes Social Media so Influential?

05: Facebook Privacy Fail

06: Are you addicted to social media?

07: Death in the Digital Age

08: Are You Suffering From Social Media FOMO?

09: Cyberbullying – technology is connecting teens in ways they can’t escape

10: Are people sharing too much online?

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01: Which Social Media Personality Are You?
Social media is a highly powerful tool for bringing you, your friends and your followers together. However, interacting on social media doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
02: Facebook Psychology
Have you ever heard someone say that they’re addicted to Facebook? Research shows that Facebook has addictive qualities that trigger similar impulses in your brain as heroin or meth.
03: Digital Stress and Your Brain
Take a look at how many tabs and programs you have open. Odds are you’re multitasking. As technology becomes more and more a part of our lives, most Americans are learning to do several things at once. Unfortunately, all of you’re ‘multitasking’ may be anything but – and it can have some serious consequences.
04: What Makes Social Media so Influential?
It has never been easier to be as influenced as you can be today with social media. But just what makes it such a powerful tool?
05: Facebook Privacy Fail
Facebook has not been the ideal social media site when it comes to privacy, especially with unfair and deceptive business practices.
06: Are you addicted to social media?
Social Media Addiction Disorder (SMAD) is a serious psychological disorder involving tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, affective disturbances, and interruption of social relationships.
07: Death in the Digital Age
An infographic to show the key statistics from our recent report which highlights how the growing use of digital channels in our daily lives can cause additional stress for bereaved loved ones.
08: Are You Suffering From Social Media FOMO?
FOMO, or the Fear Of Missing Out, is a psychological addiction where the fear of missing out on something (or somebody) more interesting, exciting or better than what you’re doing becomes all-consuming. It’s why some people always want to move on to the next party, simply because it might be better than this one.
09: Cyberbullying – technology is connecting teens in ways they can’t escape
Cyberbullying is defined as the “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.” With 80% of teens on cell phones and the same on social media sites, it’s time to understand that technology is connecting teens in ways they can’t escape.
10: Are people sharing too much online?
As social media’s usage has risen, so has people’s willingness to share personal information via that medium. The problem is that what some people might think is a harmless note about going on vacation might be just the news a burglar has been waiting for. People share so much information now that one study said that 90 percent of adults think people share too much information online.