Alderman Robert Bauman will join Mayor Tom Barrett in a neighborhood walk.
The event will serve as a preview of the upcoming Historic Concordia Tour of Homes, a visible deterrent to neighborhood crime, and an opportunity to promote exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.
“The Historic Concordia Neighborhood is one of the most unique and diverse neighborhoods in the city,” Alderman Bauman said. “Sunday’s walk with the Mayor is an excellent opportunity to get a sneak peek at what the neighborhood association has in store for its annual tour of homes, which is a wonderful celebration of everything that makes Concordia a great place to call home.”
The Alderman and the Mayor invite residents to take part in the one-mile walk at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 12 starting at 2743 W. State St. The walk is one of the first in the Mayor’s “Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days” initiative, which urges Milwaukeeans to lead a more active lifestyle and implement physical activity into their daily routines.
The Tour of Homes event is scheduled for Saturday, June 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and includes a dozen historic properties starting at the Tripoli Shrine, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave. Other features include a beer tasting, a neighborhood artist and a silent auction. More information is available at hcni.org.
Visit milwaukee.gov/Walk100 for more details on the “Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days” program, to register and to track your progress. A list of scheduled walks can also be found on the website.
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