Discovery World and Aurora Research Institute have partnered to create a more health- aware and motivated community through the creation of the Aurora Research Institute Health Sciences Lab.
In conjunction with the collaboration, a new MindBodyMe exhibit is under development to provides a science-driven exploration of the human mind, body, identity and potential. Visitors will discover what science currently knows about the limits and capacity of humans and what science is still endeavoring to learn more about.
“This exciting new partnership allows Discovery World the chance to connect local students with the research professionals from Aurora who are revolutionizing personal health care right in our backyard,” said John Emmerich, Discovery World Vice President and Interim CEO. “These new experiences on the exhibit floor and in our lab space will not only lead to greater realization of health potential as individuals, households and communities, but also an increased awareness of the amazing careers that exist right here in Milwaukee.”
The partnership between Discovery World and Aurora Research Institute will employ a multi-pronged approach to improve community awareness about personal health choices. By utilizing a regional approach to health science and collaborating with Aurora researchers, Discovery World will expand program offerings for local students. The effort will also serve an even more important role in connecting young people to future careers in the health and medical sector in southeastern Wisconsin.
Through expanded health science programs, increased exposure to personalized health and science topics in the classroom, and a gradual progression of positive personal health decisions, the goal is to help students and community members chart a course toward a healthy mind, body and future.
“Participating in clinical research may help people regain control of their health and engage more actively in their treatment journey,” said Kelly Piacsek, PhD, vice president of research for the institute. “This exhibit is intended to help people of all ages understand the importance of medical research and the many ways people can participate in research to benefit themselves and others.”
Aurora Researchers will also be onsite at Discovery World on June 8, to host “Bench to Bedside, Pipette to Patient: A Tour of Research,” a hands-on educational experience designed to raise public awareness of clinical trials and preclinical research.
Families will have the opportunity to hone their laboratory skills by pipetting liquids and looking at human tissues under a microscope, feel what surgeons feel by getting their hands on and in a pig’s heart, explore models of devices used in clinical trials today, and find out how medications reach drugstore shelves.