MCTS offering free rides to celebrations, and WisDOT shares advice for avoiding traffic problems on New Year’s Eve.
Say goodbye to 2016, and hello to 2017, with Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) and Miller Lite Free Rides on New Year’s Eve. This marks the 29th year of the public service program.
Thanks to Miller Lite, free MCTS bus rides will begin at 8:00 pm on Saturday, Dec. 31, with routes running until the end of regularly scheduled service. Several popular bus routes will have extended service until 4:00 am. Extended routes (GoldLine, GreenLine, BlueLine, Routes 14, 15, 19, 21, 27 & 30) will run their normal routes except Route 14, which will end at 74th & Holmes, and Route 19 will extend service only on S.13th Street.
Although no one really knows what the new year will bring, everyone who will be out celebrating on New Year’s weekend can take steps to make sure 2017 does not start with a drunken driving arrest or a serious crash.
“Last year, the new year began tragically with two traffic deaths during the holiday period from December 31 to January 3. This year, our goal is zero traffic fatalities,” says David Pabst, director of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Bureau of Transportation Safety.
To combat drunken driving, law enforcement agencies across the state will be out in force for the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, which began December 15 and runs through New Year’s Day.
To help prevent drunken driving arrests and crashes, WisDOT offered a free Zero In Wisconsin Drive Sober mobile app which includes:
- A Find-a-Ride feature that uses a smart phone’s GPS to locate alternative transportation—including taxi services, mass transit, and local ride services.
- A blood alcohol estimator.
- A designated driver selector.
- Interactive games that help determine whether drivers should give up their car keys
In addition to choosing a designated driver before your New Year’s Eve celebration begins, WisDOT offers the following advice:
- If you are feeling buzzed, you probably are over the 0.08 (alcohol concentration) limit and should not drive.
- Don’t allow friends to drive drunk no matter how much they protest.
- Some taverns and restaurants may provide patrons with safe transportation to their homes, such as the Tavern League of Wisconsin’s SafeRide program.
- The Milwaukee County Transit System is providing free bus rides on New Year’s Eve.