The funds will be used to train 1,430 individuals, and coordinate regional planning to attract and retain businesses.
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announced a $6 million America’s Promise Job-Driven grant from the Department of Labor has been awarded to Employ Milwaukee and Midwest Urban Strategies, an alliance of 11 urban Midwest workforce boards, to grow their workforce development programs.
The America’s Promise Job-Driven grant program is a part of President Obama’s initiative to expand tuition-free community college programs that connect Americans to in-demand jobs. This funding will go towards a project that will train more than 1,430 individuals for middle- to-high-skilled jobs, coordinate regional planning to attract and retain businesses and talent to grow the Midwest economy, and integrate efforts and resources to fully maximize federal, state and local funds to build a competitive regional workforce system.
“As the demand for a highly skilled workforce continues to grow, we need to ensure that our workforce is getting the education and skills they need to fill those jobs, said Senator Baldwin. “This grant funding will have a tremendous impact in helping us invest in Wisconsin’s workforce and help us raise incomes and strengthen the middle class.”
“We are thrilled to be receiving the America’s Promise award. It will ensure job seekers are connected to educational opportunities and career pathways,” said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. “It is an example of strong regional collaboration to develop a highly skilled workforce across the Midwest and bring much needed resources to Milwaukee.”
“America’s Promise strengthens the consortium of urban Midwest workforce boards and their collaborative planning efforts to attract and retain businesses and talent to grow the regional economy,” said Earl Buford, Employ Milwaukee President and CEO. “It is our ‘promise’ to expand regional partnerships to provide a pipeline of workers to fill existing job openings, meet business needs for expansion, and fuel the talent needs of entrepreneurs.”
Employ Milwaukee is the largest workforce investment board in the state of Wisconsin and serves the most diverse racial and economic area in the state. Employ Milwaukee’s mission is to build a strong workforce development system by planning, coordinating, collaborating and monitoring workforce initiatives with businesses, partners and community stakeholders at the local, regional and state level to ensure a skilled and productive workforce for the 21st Century.