In response to a compressive needs assessment they conducted, Cream City Foundation announced recently a grant award to support HIV/STI testing, prevention and treatment services.
The funding makes it possible for Holton Street Clinic to imbed a Registered Nurse and a Clinic Assistant two afternoons per week at the Diverse & Resilient office. The program specifically supports efforts to improve the sexual health of African American Men who have sex with men and African American trans women in Milwaukee, services will be available free of charge to anyone in need.
“While we’ve made tremendous strides to combat the HIV epidemic in Wisconsin there is still too much disparity in access and outcomes in HIV healthcare, especially for our trans community and communities of color. I commend Diverse & Resilient and Holton Street Clinic for embracing a model that will significantly impact some of the most marginalized in our community.” said Cream City Foundation President & CEO, Brett Blomme. “We are proud to support this partnership and thank the leaders of the Milwaukee Gay Sports Network for their generosity in making this grant possible.”
In 2016, Cream City Foundation partnered with Marquette University‘s Center for Gender and Sexualities to conduct an assessment of the current needs in the LGBTQ+ communities throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. The comprehensive study identified gaps in care for LGBTQ+ individuals, and ultimately lead the Foundation to make a strategic shift in our funding priorities.
LGBTQ+ community members face disproportional rates of discrimination across areas of health care and health education, employment options, and the ability to live prosperous and meaningful lives. With these issues in mind, Cream City Foundation developed three elevated priorities to guide our grant making, scholarship and convening work – health, equity, and prosperity. Focusing on these themes, Cream City Foundation aims to continue to better the lives LGBTQ+ individuals.
“Diverse & Resilient and Holton Street Clinic are grateful for the support of the Cream City Foundation in recognition of the critical health disparities that exist within the LGBTQ+ community. This grant is an important step in our collective goal of achieving health equity and safety for all LGBTQ people” said Gerry Coon, Diverse & Resilient President & CEO.
Cream City Foundation serves as the leader in mobilizing philanthropic resources, fostering strategic collaboration, effecting positive change and the advancement of the equity, health and prosperity of LGBTQ+ people in Southeastern Wisconsin. Cream City Foundation was founded in 1982. Initially begun with $500 in seed money, Cream City Foundation has grown to provide more than $1.5 million in grant dollars to many organizations and projects that are working to improve the quality of life for LGBTQ+ people.
At Diverse & Resilient, we see a future where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people in Wisconsin thrive, living healthy, satisfying lives in safe, supportive communities. Our long-term objective is to eliminate health disparities between LGBTQ people and the general population, as measured by commonly accepted indicators of physical and mental health.
Holton Street Clinic provides specialized healthcare to all populations with actual or perceived sexually transmitted infections through consultation, testing, treatment, and follow-up with compassion and understanding in a respectful and confidential manner.
Cream City Foundation
International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Diverse & Resilient