Author: Staff Nippon

Timeline of Tragedy: A look back at the long struggle since Fukushima’s 2011 triple disaster

3.11 EXPLORING FUKUSHIMA: This feature is part of an original Milwaukee Independent editorial series that documented the 13th anniversary of the "Great East Japan Earthquake," tsunami, and nuclear accident, including the conditions of both the people and places that remain affected by the disaster across the Tōhoku region. The Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a defining moment in Japan’s history. On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced one of its most devastating natural disasters and the world’s first recorded triple disaster. The event began with a powerful 9.0 magnitude earthquake, the largest...

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New Year’s Aftershock: Memories of Fukushima fuels concern for recovery in Noto Peninsula

3.11 EXPLORING FUKUSHIMA: This feature is part of an original Milwaukee Independent editorial series that documented the 13th anniversary of the "Great East Japan Earthquake," tsunami, and nuclear accident, including the conditions of both the people and places that remain affected by the disaster across the Tōhoku region. A group of residents of towns near Japanese nuclear plants submitted a petition in February asking regulators to halt safety screening for the restart of idled reactors until damage to a plant that partially lost external power and spilled radioactive water during a recent powerful earthquake is fully examined. The...

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