Author: Reporter

Wisconsin GOP disregards military families with unfair mail ballot timelines pushed by other states

Ohio’s restrictive new election law significantly shortens the window for mailed ballots to be received, despite no evidence that the extended timeline has led to fraud or any other problems, and that change is angering active-duty members of the military and their families because of its potential to disenfranchise them. The pace of ballot counting after Election Day has become a target of conservatives egged on by former President Donald Trump. He has promoted a false narrative since losing the 2020 election that fluctuating results as late-arriving mail-in ballots are tallied is a sign of fraud. Republican lawmakers said...

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Study says Exxon Mobil’s scientists accurately predicted global warming as far back as the 1970s

Exxon Mobil’s scientists were remarkably accurate in their predictions about global warming, even as the company made public statements that contradicted its own scientists’ conclusions, a recent study said. The study in the journal Science in January looked at research that Exxon funded that did not just confirm what climate scientists were saying, but used more than a dozen different computer models that forecast the coming warming with precision equal to or better than government and academic scientists. This was during the same time that the oil giant publicly doubted that warming was real and dismissed climate models’ accuracy....

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A litany of human rights crises emerged in 2022 but also presented new opportunities against violations

Widespread opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine demonstrates the strength of a unified response against human rights abuses, and there are signs that power is shifting as people take to the streets to demonstrate their dissatisfaction in Iran, China and elsewhere, a leading rights group said in late January. A “litany of human rights crises” emerged in 2022, but the year also presented new opportunities to strengthen protections against violations, Human Rights Watch said in its annual world report on human rights conditions in more than 100 countries and territories. “After years of piecemeal and often half-hearted efforts on...

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Rare trove of Jewish objects hidden since WWII discovered by construction company in Poland

The discovery in central Poland of hundreds of objects that were most likely hidden by their Jewish owners during World War II provided a rare and precious find, officials said on January 11. Around 400 items, including silver-plated menorahs, hanukkiahs, tableware and daily use items were uncovered in the city of Lodz last month during the renovation of a house and yard. “Those residents who buried these items did so most likely thinking that they would one day return for them, that they would be able to retrieve them,” Lodz Deputy Mayor Adam Pustelnik said. “Most likely, these people...

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Power plant workers in Ukraine stay at their posts when bombs land in fight to keep electricity flowing

Around some of their precious transformers, the ones that still work and buzz with electricity, the power plant workers have built protective shields using giant concrete blocks. The protection gives them a better chance of surviving the next Russian missile bombardment. Blasted out windows in the power plant’s control room are patched up with chipboard and piled-up sandbags, so the operators who man the desks 24/7, keeping watch over gauges, screens, lights and knobs, are less at risk of being killed or injured by murderous shrapnel. “As long as there is equipment that can be repaired, we will work,”...

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America’s homeless population remains about the same as before pandemic despite increased local efforts

President Joe Biden’s administration announced in December that it was ramping up efforts to help house people sleeping on sidewalks, in tents, and cars as a federal report confirmed what was obvious to people in many cities: Homelessness is persisting despite increased local efforts. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said that in federally required tallies taken across the country earlier in 2022, about 582,000 people were counted as homeless — a number that misses some people and does not include those staying with friends or family because they do not have a place of their own....

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